Blogosphere,  Media,  Media Bias

Michelle Malkin Watch: 2005 IN REVIEW: THE WAR ON BLOGS

Michelle Malkin has her blogosphere year in review for 2005: THE WAR ON BLOGS.


Flap’s Favorite is #6:

Far-left cartoonist/columnist Ted Rall’s sneering, elitist attack on Ed Morrissey, whom Rall regards as unqualified to engage in journalism. A few weeks later, Morrissey published documents that led to the collapse of the Canadian government.

Runner-up #5:

The late LATimes media critic David Shaw’s critique of blogs, including his now-famous claim that Times articles are vetted by at “least four experienced Times editors,” who check for “accuracy, fairness, grammar, taste and libel.” We all know how well that works.

Flap certainly knows about the Los Angeles Times. And so does Patterico.

Judging from the thoroughly unhinged tone of the old media, I’d say bloggers had a fabulous year.


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