Liberal Morons

Cindy Sheehan Watch: Support the Troops?

Cindy Sheehan mouths off again.

Support the troops? I support only those who are NOT supporting the exploitation of the Iraqi people, and those who do not allow the war profiteers to carry on with their death and destruction all for the sake of an opulent lifestyle. I do not support those who are supporting a criminally insane and treacherous foreign policy. However I, as the mother of a slain soldier, will do anything I can to support all of them by working to shorten their stay in an unwelcoming country, and bring them home from the quagmire that their so- called commander in chief forced them into. Also, when our troops do come home from the war, they need all of the counseling, job training and help they require to transition back to a life where most people don’t even recognize that there is a war being waged. BushCo and the war machine killed my baby. They have killed tens of thousands more.

BushCo need to be prosecuted and punished like the common criminals that they are.


And which troops does she support?


Allah and Ace have it RIGHT.


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One Comment

  • Chris

    Her “baby” grew into a man. A man who, by her own account, disregarded her views of this country and affirmed a duty to serve. A man who died fulfilling his concepts of duty. For which, had he lived, she would have spurned him as a tool requiring expert psychological treatment.