Barack Obama,  Hillary Clinton,  President 2008

Do-Over Democrat Primary Elections in Michigan and Florida? Part Four

There will be NO redo Florida Democrat primary election according to Florida state Democrat officials.

Florida Democrats won’t go forward with a plan to redo the presidential primary with a mostly mail-in vote, the state party chairwoman said Monday in a letter citing lack of support for the idea.

A solution to the problem is now in the hands of the Democratic National Committee, which stripped the state of its delegates because Florida held an early primary, Chairwoman Karen Thurman said.

“The consensus is clear: Florida doesn’t want to vote again. So we won’t,” Thurman wrote. “A party-run primary or caucus has been ruled out, and it’s simply not possible for the state to hold another election, even if the Party were to pay for it.”

Who benefits with this scenario. Hillary barely (in elected delegates won) since she won the original Florida primary although neither candidate campaigned in Florida. The DNC likely will count only half the delegate votes for Florida effectively disenfranchising many Florida democrat voters.

However, the real winner here is Barack Obama who has been losing momentum to Hillary and would have to spend $ millions to campaign in a state where Hillary is popular and won the first time.

What about a re-do Michigan Democrat primary?

A re-do is possible but Barack Obama supporters in the Michigan Legislature are dragging their feet on enabling the re-vote.

State lawmakers looking at a Democratic presidential primary redo in Michigan appear to be locked in a standoff heading into a crucial week: Legislative leaders say the U.S. Sen. Barack Obama camp needs to agree to the repeat election before legislation is written, and Obama supporters say they must see the bill before signing off on the plan.

Whether Michigan has a do-over primary in June depends on resolving that issue.

State Sen. Tupac Hunter, D-Detroit, said Sunday that allies of U.S. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton are bent on a do-over primary to enable their candidate to try to pull up to Obama in the presidential race. Hunter said he won’t sign off on a repeat election unless he sees detailed legislation answering his concerns.

“Clinton folks will do anything to open Michigan back up,” said Hunter, who is co-chairman of the Obama campaign in Michigan.

“She is in a hunt for delegates. Why this sudden pull out all the stops to give Hillary Clinton every opportunity to try to catch up? Guess what? It’s not going to happen. This legislator is not going to facilitate it.”

And, remember that any re-vote would involve GOP voters who could and WOULD game the Democrat primary. Rush and Laura Ingraham did it in Texas and undoubtedly would do it again.

Obama can not afford to piss off the voters in Michigan but it is to his decided advantage to not have a new primary election in Michigan on June 3.

Flap is positive that Hillary will ratchet up the pressure on Michigan Democrats to facilitate a re-vote.


Do-Over Democrat Primary Elections in Michigan and Florida? Part Three

Do-Over Democrat Primary Elections in Michigan and Florida? Part Two

Do-Over Democrat Primary Elections in Michigan and Florida?