Liberal Morons,  Politics

Daily Kos Watch: Kos Does Media Ad for Ned Lamont for Senate

Little Green Footballs: A Political Mentos Ad

The creepiest political ad ever made, for Ned Lamont, features Markos Moulitsas “Screw Them” Zuniga sneaking around and peeping through a window as Lamont gives a cut-and-run speech, then bursting into the room with a bunch of weirdly jacked-up progressive pals and grinning into the camera like a lunatic.

Really. You’re not gonna believe it. Ned Lamont for Senate – On the Air!

Ues, this is really funny!

Kos is a MORON and now we have even more video to confirm it.

Hot Air has more (including a remix edition video) here and here.

Graphic courtesy of AllahPundit at Hot Air.


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