President 2008,  Ron Paul

Ron Paul Watch: Neo-Nazi Leader Don Black Donates to Ron Paul Campaign – The RESPONSE


The Lone Star Times FINALLY received a response from the Ron Paul for President campaign.

So, what did the campaign say?

Not much of a repudiation of the Neo-Nazi and his White Supremacist web site but just enough of a distancing.
They didn’t condemn Don Black and but nor did they support them either.

The Stormfront folks cannot be too happy but if they are not raising RP alot of cash what does Ron Paul and his campaign care, right?


Ron Paul Watch: Neo-Nazi Leader Don Black Donates to Ron Paul Campaign Part Two

Ron Paul Watch: Neo-Nazi Leader Don Black Donates to Ron Paul Campaign

Ron Paul Watch: The Red State Ban Part Two

Ron Paul Watch: The Red State Ban

Ron Paul Watch: Paul Campaign Solicitation on Neo-Nazi Hate Site – The FLAP Part Two

Representative Ron Paul Called “Certifiably Insane” in GOP Debate Focus Group

Ron Paul Watch: Paul Campaign Solicitation on Neo-Nazi Hate Site – The FLAP

Ron Paul Watch: The November 5 Creep Show

Ron Paul Watch: Libertarians Rising?

Ron Paul Watch: The Donors

Ron Paul Watch: The Disciples or Internet Spammers?

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  • Valerie

    Oh, good grief, Flap. There is just no pleasing you!

    I think I’m going over to the FEC’s website right now just to nitpick Rudy’s donations to death. Don’t you think Rudy’s got some pretty radical skeletons out in the open to defend? Why give RP so much crap?

    I’m totally serious. I’m going to spend the next week digging into Rudy’s donations and make a list of all the unsavory characters that have donated. I’m going to make it my duty to google every single individual’s name that’s ever given him a cent.

    I bet Rudy’s list of ‘bad characters’ who’ve donated is 100 times longer than RP’s.

  • Flap

    Wow, you must have alot of time on your hands – maybe too much 🙂

    Let me know what you find.

    Why doesn’t Ron Paul just repudiate Don Black and the folks?

    Wouldn’t that be the easiest?

    He could do it on the Tonight Show.

  • RP3

    They didn’t condemn Don Black and

    Did you not even read the response that Ron Paul’s campaign gave to Lone Star Times? Here is what it says:

    “It is certainly unfortunate that the campaign’s donation banner is on his [Don Black’s] site. We’re not rushing to spend a lot of time reading what’s over there, but what you’ve described is certainly repugnant, and completely anathema to everything Dr. Paul stands for.”

    How much stronger of a condemnation can they make than that?

  • RP3

    Why doesn’t Ron Paul just repudiate Don Black and the folks?

    He did, flap. His campaign spokesman called them “repugnant, and completely anathema to everything Dr. Paul stands for.”

    It isn’t Ron Paul’s fault that you can’t read a simple statement like that.

  • Gregor Morrill

    Well it’s about time! I mean five days is an eternity for the campaign to take responding to this! They should have responded before it even happened!!

    And please, having some low-level “Communications Director” answer the questions – might as well have had the janitor answer the questions!! What does he know??

      • Gregor Morrill

        Yes, I have, though not in any “out front” positions, just a web geek for Andy Horning’s Congressional run in 2004.

        I’m sure 5 days is a long time to you, but you also have a vendetta against “the ol’…”, well I can’t finish your quote and stay in line with your comments policy.

  • Flap

    I have as a candidate and campaign manager.

    Five minutes is a long time in a Presidential campaign. If Ron Paul’s campaign staff have not been monitoring the web chatter then they are grossly incompetent.

    So, is the Ron Paul campaign incompetent or reluctant to condemn the Neo-Nazis?

    Which is it?

    • Gregor Morrill

      Congratulations on your campaign experience.

      Ask them yourself. I’m done doing your homework for you and have better things to do than respond to your logical fallacies (such as that false dichotomy).

      You never answered my question from 2 days ago, by the way.

      I’ll post when I’ve heard back.

      • Flap

        No answer. Incompetent or reluctant?

        Congrats on working for a libertarian candidate that is a four time loser. Make that five with Ron Paul 🙂

        Oh, I am not a neo-Nazi or a White supremacist. Are you?

        Post back when you hear from the Ron Paul campaign.

  • Gregor Morrill

    I’m not with the campaign, how could I answer for them? It’s a fallacious question anyway; a false dilemma.

    If Ron Paul loses, that means Andy Horning loses a 5th time?
    That’s some interesting math, there.

    No, I’m not a neo-Nazi or a White supremacist. Why do you associate yourself with them by placing multiple links in your blog posts?

  • Flap

    How many times did Libertarian Andy Horning lose campaigns? Or did you volunteer for ONLY his last loss as a Republican?

    I thought you were going to reply when you heard back from the campaign. Have you heard from them?

    And, why do you think I place links – to refer to that which I am writing – sheesh.

    • Gregor Morrill

      Am I supposed to be bothered by your comments about Andy’s losses? Yeah, he lost. Yeah, I volunteered for his last campaign. I said this already.

      And yes, I said I’ll post when I’ve heard back. I haven’t, or I would have posted it already. This is not complex.

      Links: I was only trying to apply your “logic” to yourself, that’s all.