Bill Clinton,  Hillary Clinton,  Norman Hsu

Hillary Clinton Watch: Norman Hsu Case Postponed Amid Rumors of a Plea Deal

Norman Hsu is escorted into a Redwood City, Calif., courtroom, on Sept. 21, 2007. Hsu, the jailed Democratic fundraiser who spent 15 years on the lam before finally being caught, has been arguing that government authorities made such little effort to run him down while he hobnobbed prominently with Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and other political luminaries that his rights to a speedy trial were violated.

The case has been postponed until January but a plea deal is possible between now and then. The longer this case lingers the more POTENTIAL damage it does to Hillary Clinton’s Presidential campaign.

The federal case based out of New York seems to have legs of its own. California’s Democrat Attorney General Jerry Brown may wish this embarassment to simply go away.

Since former President Bill Clinton has not released the list of donors to his Presidential Library, might Hsu and his Chinese minions somehow be linked to donations there?

And, if there is a growing federal criminal investigation into the New York City Chinese immigrant donations to Hillary’s campaign, there will be plenty of stories for her campaign to deflect.

Stay tuned…….

Norman Hsu and Senator Hillary Clinton


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