Iran,  Iran Nuclear Watch

Iran Nuclear Watch: One Year to Stop Iranian NUKE

T minus one year and counting before Iran can threaten or nuclear blackmail Israel.

A former head of Mossad has warned that Israel has 12 months in which to destroy Iran’s nuclear programme or risk coming under nuclear attack itself. He also hinted that Israel might have to act sooner if Barack Obama wins the US presidential election.

The United States and European Union have fiddled while the uranium centrifuges have been spinning at Natanz.

Israel will have NO choice but to bomb Iran if they do not stand down from their nuclear weapons program.



    more rubbish propoganda from the neoconservatives. iran will not be a threat in a year time. israel just wants to destroy another unfriendly country which doesn’t recognize it. why does iran have to be scrutinized and israel illegal nukes go unchallenged. stop this dangerous propoganda cause it causes oil prices to rise which affects everyone. look at the damage done to iraq in the last decade and now you want to do the same to iran. what happened in iraq is a war crime. israel wants to bomb iran before B.Obama becomes president cause god forbid diplomacy might work. we must stop supporting the neoconservatives failed policies in the middle east[ which you can read in the ‘ clean break’ paper written in the 1990s].

  • Flap

    Yeah, Yeah more of your anti-Israel BS.

    What does an Australian know or care about American Neo-conservatism?



    australia knows alot about neoconservatism. our last prime minister just recieved the ‘kristol award’ for tring to introduce neocon. policies but we booted him out in the last election thank god in a landslide defeat. i am not anti israeli or pro arab, terrorism cuts both ways. the bias reporting in the media is shocking. i’m not a racist like the israeli leaders are or as arrogrant. the isreali public have been betrayed by their leaders for 60 years.
    all the accuations made against iran can be said of israel. israel has defied the UN more than any other country ever. look at the human right abuses in israel. look at the illegal weapons israel has required. isreal is a aparthied government not a democracy.israel is a army with a land. the jewish people deserve much better than the racist zionist can give. israel must be judge on the treatment of non jews, which record is shocking
    tell me what’s the difference between the jewish state of israel or the iranian islamic republic–none, except the iranian treat non muslim with more respect

  • Flap

    John Howard served how many terms? There you go again……

    So, you are not only anti-Israel but anti-Semitic as well.


    john howard served for over 11 australia knows right wing policies.
    why do you attack me instead of my argument. ‘argumentum ad homonum’. for years anyone who criticises israeli policies are labelled anti semitic. a easy way to stop world leaders ,press,anyone,etc from criticising israel. but the truth is the truth. arabs too could say the same thing because they are semitic also. i am not anti israeli or against a home for the jewish people but i am against the racist policies of zionism. to me judaism biggest threat is zionism, which has changed the religion to nationalism. the jews were a rightous people until zionism change it.the jews deserve much better than zionism. zionism is about controll and power and thats has made a mokery of the 10 commandments. you can see this now in israeli society now which is slowly degenerating. zionism will only be defeated by the jews.