• Michelle

    I want that glass ceiling shattered as much as anyone else. However, I wonder if the McCain campaign chose her for the PR impact she would create. There might be more to this decision than meets the eye. Sicking Joe Biden on a young mother of a disabled child will be very tricky indeed.


    Sarah Palin is for teaching creationism and religion in public school science classes. Completely anti-abortion even in cases of rape and incest, completely against stem cell research which has shown promise in treating Parkinson’s, MS, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s.

    In March Palin called Hillary Clinton a whiner awesome!

  • John

    Anybody else wonder why a woman who is absolutely, completely against abortion in every circumstance would decide to undergo an amniocentesis test? There’s not much reason to have this test unless you believe you have a “choice” to make.

  • Diabetic Neutral

    @ lefty
    I am diabetic, and whilst stem cell research has shown some real progress, there is plenty of other research that could benefit from funding and, many people believe, show a better return.

    Personally, I am neither pro or anti stem cell research – as in, I see it as far too complicated a subject for a simple black/white judgement.

    Re: Palin
    She worries me – she really worries me.

    Why? Too many inconsistancies – too many ‘background’ issues that don’t quite make sense. I worry that once the researchers start digging she will fall apart and become a liability.