Oprah Winfrey

Sarah Palin Watch: Oprah Afraid – Says No to Palin


Alaska Governor and GOP Vice President nominee Sarah Palin will NOT be invited onto Oprah Winfrey’s show prior to the election, according to a statement posted on Drudge.

OPRAH’S STATEMENT: “The item in today’s Drudge Report is categorically untrue. There has been absolutely no discussion about having Sarah Palin on my show. At the beginning of this Presidential campaign when I decided that I was going to take my first public stance in support of a candidate, I made the decision not to use my show as a platform for any of the candidates. I agree that Sarah Palin would be a fantastic interview, and I would love to have her on after the campaign is over.”

It is Oprah’s show and she can do as she likes. But, the bias is striking and noteworthy with her blatant support of Barack Obama.

Perhaps many ordinary women, including Republican viewers will FINALLY realize that Oprah is a left wing ideologue that disguises her left dogma within the Hollywood type celebrity.

Or is Oprah just afraid?

One might assume that, given Winfrey’s demographics. The largest part of her audience is white females over 55 years of age. Almost four times as many women watch as men, although she does get about 1.7 million men a day to view her show.

How will that audience react to a freeze-out of Palin? Many want to see Palin speak to their issues, and might assume that the most successful woman in American entertainment would welcome the opportunity to make that introduction. Instead of making a business decision to do so, though, Winfrey has apparently made a political calculation that Palin will outshine the man she supports for President.

Oprah has miscalculated and is hurting Barack Obama. Want to bet that Oprah reverses her position and invites Sarah Palin on her show?

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  • Aneriz

    Oprah is a democrat and in the past trying to show journalistic fairness by interviewing both candidates backfired on her. Many americans had the impression that George Bush interview by Oprah during the 2000 campaign advance his candidacy and gained him voters among her viewers. Chris Rock told her so on a show not long after Bush won the presidency. She is not about to take the same road and use her forum to get Palin elected. That’s fine, it just reduces her from a journalist to a “talk show host”.

  • Mike

    I like Oprah but she has way to much influence on people when she just opens her mouth. Just because she’s a celebrity doesn’t mean she knows whats best for the country. If she want to use her show to endorse someone she should give the other side equal time. I think she might have her hands full with Sarah Palin.This is also true for all the other celebs who endorse political candidates. Some of these people (Not Oprah) are dumber than a bag of rocks.

  • Gina

    Oprah gives advice on relationships, but has a boy friend who is a
    door mat … gives advice on marriage, but has never been married …
    gives advice on child rearing, but has no children … gives advice on
    Obama, but was a member of Jeremiah Wright’s anti-American racist
    church for several years. Now, her white women’s audience, which made
    Oprah rich, wants to know more about Sarah Palin, but Oprah says NO!!!

  • Dhayward

    Why isn’t anyone really addressing the fact that Oprah’s decision is rooted in discrimination? Why else would she sit and CRY at the nomination? She is enamored with 1) the potential of a BLACK president (discriminating) and 2) her POWER that helped get him there. People need to wake up and pay attention to this… This is a foretelling about what to expect MORE of should he be elected… ESPECIALLY coupled with his Islamic, Anti-American and discriminatory associations. Many years of retribution for what America has ‘done to blacks’ (negating Obama’s natzi-ish, minority irradicating support of abortion)… If he is elected, we better hope the balance of powers is balancing…

    This discrimination is THE MAIN concern many of us have about his potential presidency. More taxes, bigger ‘government’ (ie. ‘programs’ = handouts that only promote more poverty, dependency and less freedoms)

  • Leah

    I agree with you Gina!! Oprah gets her hands and big mouthed opinion in everything!! I think she’s afraid to be in the presence of a true woman with values, especially being a woman who tries to make herself look good giving out things like “O” bags and water bottles with a free subscription to her magazine where us average women can view highly over-priced clothing makig her more money by the minute. Oh but don’t you worry Oprah will make sure she gives back all along making sure it’s over publicized so the world can see how wonderful she is. I think Barack should of asked her to be his VP instead of Biden!!! I’m so sick of this black/white, man/woman crap, we’re all equal get over it!!!

  • sassinfras

    the reason oprah endorsed barrack obama is that she finally met a politician who inspired her. pity the same can’t be said of any other politician. you have to give barrack credit for he is inspirational, a born leader and is offering a real alternative to the average americian . oprah was really taken by obama and even encouraged him to run for the top job before he annoused his candinacy.

  • sassinfras

    oprah left that church many years before barrack annoused his candinacy. so jeremah wright has nothing to do with it, even thou you would love to link j. wright to the both of them. instead of calling jeremiah wright a wacko why don’t you address his claim, even thu his claim are far reaching. but his claim on USA foreign policies i think have some validity.

  • Howard

    Oprah’s response that she won’t use her show as a political platform is totally disingenuous, after all the air time she has already given to both Barack and Michele Obama. OPRAH … from spending several years in Jeremiah Wright’s anti-American racist church, listening to sermons like “God Damn America”, and giving life time achievement awards to the likes of Louis Farrakhan … to her newest opportunistic religious beliefs … who could possibly take Oprah seriously? This woman’s ego is soooo big, being a billionaire celebrity isn’t enough, she has to start her own religion … not to mention all the additional money she is going to make selling all those book, tapes, CD’s, etc. to her poor followers. Oprah’s new power hungry ambitions include efforts to replace traditional America with Obama … and access to a President she puts into office … to her efforts at replacing Christianity with a new religion she controls. I think it’s time for America to deny Oprah access to our television sets.






  • Richard Turner

    I hope the African American community will take a retrospect glance back to the 1992 Rodney King Riots and research the brave churches (Black, White, Mexican and many other different cultures) that risked their lives in South Central LA, to help victims in the aftermath of the riot, poor churches that’s only reward was Goodwill. Oprah Winfrey showed her compassion from a distance in an areal view from her helicopter instead of on the ground connecting with the residents of Compton and South Central LA. Was she Too elite for the folks who didn’t live her magazine lifestyle, the churches weren’t.

  • Richard Turner

    The world is in full view Oprah Winfrey’s dark ulterior motive to use her power to put Barrack Hussein Obama into the lime light. I wonder where he gets all that money? Barrack Obama is a figurehead backed by people with much money with a dark agenda that will hurt certain ethnic groups in the U.S. while giving preferential treatment to others. If the newly awakened public will boycott the Oprah Show it will be a victorious case of strike the root wither the branch. Obamas is the branch Oprah is the root. Please spit the cool aid out!

  • Swati

    If Oprah was truly for empowerment of women she would have supported Hillary in the first place. It is so obvious that her choice is based solely on colour. But if someone (read white population) were to oppose Obama, he/she would be branded as a racist. What Oprah is doing is blatant racism, at its worst.
    This should prove to people that Oprah is not really honest when it comes to her motives, she has her own secret agenda. I totally agree with Richard (post # 15) in that regard.
    Her open show of support for Obama cost her a lot of viewership, and I truly hope this boycott of Sarah Palin costs her even more.
    The elitist – racist side of OPrah has been exposed.

  • Ms. Who cares

    As I sit here (a africian american women) and read your postings, it’s really sad. You want to talk about being racist. Racist is when you would rather die before you elect a black president. Racist is when you are willing to vote for a white women with no experience, before you elect a black president. Give me a break. Palin can not run her own family. White america has looked down their noses at black families for the very same thing that Palin is experiencing. Teenage pregnancy. But when it is a white female, then white american seems to think that it is okay. Why can’t you guys be fair. If it was barack obama’s child. You would have called her every name in the book. You people need to take a good look in the mirror. Im sooo proud to be black. You will never know what it is like to have been raised to see people for who they are. Not what they are. YOU PEOPLE CAN’T HELP IT. I feel sorry for you. You have a problem and you dont even know it. SORTA LIKE A DRUG ADDICT KNOWING THEY HAVE A DRUG PROBLEM, BUT REFUSES TO ADMIT IT. It’s okay to like Presient Obama. Your skin wont change color.

  • JOHM B.

    The only resson she is endorsing Obama and the only reason is that he is BLACK AND SHE IS A RACIST people can say all they wont but the bottom line is that there is alot of people that just are not going to vote for a black man

  • Leah

    Ms. Who cares sits sadly while implying this is about racism, honestly THE RACE THING getting real old to me!!!!!! WHY WHY is that always the BOTTOM LINE. Ya know what I think you need to get over your complex. Should I tell you I sit here as a WHITE WOMAN. What difference does it make, maybe you need to convince yourself your skin color won’t change. The way I feel about Oprah or Obama has ABSOLUTLEY nothing to do with the color of thier skin or their gender. What’s ashame is the fact that regardless of whats right for the Country as a whole that will not be a drive when deciding on what team is right for what this country needs at this moment in time because it always HAS to come down to the same old, same old entitlement complex that ppl continue to voice. MY SUPPORT IS WITH MCCAIN/PALIN because their views are non-selfish, not sugar coated and to the point. You want to talk about Palin’s lack of experience? What’s Barrack’s?

  • mlnicrok@yahoo.com

    I must agree with Leah’s statement about experience. I don’t support either side because of their pathway to citizenship for the supposed 12 million (probably closer to 20) illegals in this country. The Democratic party had 8 years to come up with a viable candidate to run for president and the best they could come up with is a feel good guy with no experience doing anything substantial. Unless maybe you want to count all of those present votes. What a shame.

  • Black Quotes

    I really hope Obama does get in. We’ve had a white president since the role began and many of them have been awful. Just look at the monkey we have in charge at the moment. It disgusts me to see him in the White House even though my stance is very slightly right of the middle. I think a black president might be a good thing!

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