Barack Obama,  Day By Day

Day By Day by Chris Muir October 16, 2008 – Targeting

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Day By Day by Chris Muir

John McCain may have found an opening in his campaign against Barack Obama with the Joe the Plumber line of attack. Obama’s blatant attempt to redistribute income with his tax policy has been exposed.

But, will the American voter care for the class warfare argument?


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  • Ling

    Its good stuff. Keep banging away at Obama about this, and he’ll crack. Joe the pumbler is bound to swing the polls a bit. Jusy wondering if its going to be enough?

  • Flap

    It will move the polls some and the MSM seems tp be highlighting the contrasts between Obama and McCain on taxes this morning.

    Perhaps it will unsettle enough undecided voters about an increase in taxes under the Obama Administration.

    Team McCain must now pound this economic message.