• Barack Obama,  Hillary Clinton

    Hillary Clinton to Become Secretary of State in Obama Administration


    According to the U.K’s Guardian newspaper it is a done deal – Hillary Clinton will become the next Secretary of State.

    Hillary Clinton plans to accept the job of secretary of state offered by Barack Obama, who is reaching out to former rivals to build a broad coalition administration, the Guardian has learned.

    Obama’s advisers have begun looking into Bill Clinton’s foundation, which distributes millions of dollars to Africa to help with development, to ensure that there is no conflict of interest. But Democrats do not believe that the vetting is likely to be a problem.

    Clinton would be well placed to become the country’s dominant voice in foreign affairs, replacing Condoleezza Rice. Since being elected senator for New York, she has specialised in foreign affairs and defence. Although she supported the war in Iraq, she and Obama basically agree on a withdrawal of American troops.

    Good move for Hillary or bad move?

    A GAFFE for Obama? Or a headache?

    Or as Dick Morris represents: “A recipe for HELPLESSNESS?”

    Some, like Hitchins are not too pleased and some think like Flap this is an opening for Rudy Giuliani.

    Stay tuned…..

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  • Gay Marriage

    California Proposition 8 Proponents Urge California Supreme Court to Reject a Stay of Gay Marriage Ban

    Yes on prop 8 400

    Flap receives e-mail from the Yes on California Proposition 8 Committee:

    Dear Friends,

    The five official Proponents of Proposition 8, along with the ProtectMarriage.com – Yes on 8 campaign, today filed legal papers with the California Supreme Court asking the Court to accept original jurisdiction of three lawsuits challenging the measure’s validity, seeking to intervene in the lawsuits as Real Parties In Interest, and urging the Supreme Court to reject a stay of the initiative.

    We are confident that we will prevail on the merits and that Proposition 8 will be upheld.  

    In calling for the Supreme Court to take original jurisdiction of three challenges to Proposition 8, we said in our legal papers, “The people of California are entitled to a prompt resolution of whether Proposition 8 properly amended their Constitution.  Proposition 8 was the subject of a vigorous and expensive campaign that generated an intense debate and very strong feelings on both sides.  The people have a right to know as quickly as possible the status and definition of marriage under the California Constitution.”

    Three lawsuits have been filed with the California Supreme Court claiming that Proposition 8 is a “constitutional revision” and thus allegedly could not have been enacted by voters. While urging the Supreme Court to accept original jurisdiction of the challenges, the authors of the measure and our campaign committee, which spent approximately $38 million campaigning in favor of the proposition, expressed confidence that the Court would uphold Proposition 8. “When using the initiative process to amend the Constitution, the people exercise their sovereign power of self-government.  The three branches of government must accord profound respect and great deference to that authority, which is the very basis of the government’s democratic legitimacy,” we wrote in papers filed with the court.  

    Our legal filing pointed out to the California Supreme Court that the courts in neighboring states have uniformly rejected nearly identical challenges to measures banning same-sex marriage. “Other courts addressing similar revision/amendment arguments under closely analogous constitutional provisions have rejected them,” we said. “Proposition 8 is simple, narrow, and targeted to a single issue.  It restores the definition of marriage to what it was and always had been prior to May 15, 2008—nothing more…Whatever one’s view of the wisdom of Proposition 8, the people of California have spoken and their will should be respected.”

    We also urged the Supreme Court to deny the request of those challenging Proposition 8 to stay implementation of the initiative. We told the Court that a stay would create a class of “interim same-sex marriages whose validity would be highly questionable” when Proposition 8 is upheld.  Additionally, we told the Court that a stay of Proposition 8 would undermine the preeminence of the Constitution as the ultimate expression of the people’s will. “Enjoining or staying the enforcement of Proposition 8 – as if it were a mere statute or municipal ordinance to be set aside by the judiciary pending further proceedings, rather than a presumptively valid expression of the people’s sovereign will – would be widely perceived as the judiciary ignoring or countermanding the supremacy of the Constitution and silencing the voice of the people on a vitally important matter of public policy.  That would be deeply harmful to the democratic process.”

    Seeking to intervene as Real Parties in Interest in the three lawsuits on behalf of the official proponents of the measure, we argued in court papers that their fundamental rights as initiative proponents are at stake. As official proponents, the five authors of Proposition 8 have a unique legal position that requires legal representation separate from that provided voters by Attorney General Jerry Brown. Our Motion to Intervene noted that Brown has vigorously opposed Proposition 8 and cannot be counted on to vigorously defend the measure. Additionally, we noted in our filing that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger similarly cannot be counted on to defend the People’s vote since he has already publicly urged the Supreme Court to invalidate Proposition 8.  

    The whole point of the initiative process is for the people to be able to pass laws despite opposition from government leaders.  It just makes no sense that we should have to rely solely on hostile government leaders to defend the will of the people when they opposed the measure in the first place.

    Our legal team will continue to mount a vigorous defense of Proposition 8 and will update you on developments.

    Thank you for your continuing support of Proposition 8.

    P.S. — The cases seeking to invalidate Proposition 8 are Strauss v. Horton, S168047; City and County of San Francisco v. Horton, S168078; and Tyler v. State of California, S168066.

    Indeed, California voters have spoken but will the California Supreme Court roll the dice with their probable recall over gay marriage?

    Remember Rose Bird and the death penalty?

    Stay tuned……


    In the meantime, California Attorney General Jerry Brown, an anti-Proposition 8 supporter, today asked the California Supreme Court to also reject a stay in the implementation of Proposition 8.

    Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown today urged the California Supreme Court to review lawsuits that seek to overturn Proposition 8, but to permit the measure to take effect during that review.

    Brown, whose office is supposed to defend the initiative, said the lawsuits raised issues of statewide importance that should be addressed by the state’s highest court.

    “But, due to the potential uncertainty that may be caused in important legal relationships by a temporary stay, the public interest would be better served by allowing Proposition 8 to remain in effect while expediting briefing,” Brown’s office said.

    There would be mass confusion if the California Supreme Court issued a stay and there would be a flood of same sex marriages that would likely be invalidated once the court issued its ruling on Proposition 8 revision vs amendment issue.

    The California supreme Court should NOT issue a stay in the matter, should hear timely arguments and dismiss the challenges to the vote of the California people.

    Update #2:

    Liberty Counsel
    filed its preliminary opposition summarizing its position regarding why the California Supreme Court should not consider petitions seeking to overturn the California Marriage Protection Act (Proposition 8). The Court has asked each party to provide these today. Liberty Counsel previously filed a motion to intervene on behalf of Campaign for California Families, and Liberty Counsel is submitting its preliminary opposition proposed byinterveners.

    Read Liberty Counsel’s filing here. (PDF File)

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  • Gay Marriage

    California Proposition 8 Watch: San Francisco Homosexuals Chase Christians Out of the Castro

    Justice House of Prayer San Francisco members chased out of the Castro (Homosexual District of San Francisco)

    More class and tolerance from the gay community.

    In San Francisco’s Castro District, people on both sides of the same-sex marriage controversy confronted each other on Friday night, as police tried to keep the peace. Proposition 8 passed in a close vote and eliminated the right of same-sex couples to marry.

    Members of the gay community said that almost every Friday night, a Christian group meets at the corner of Castro and 18th Streets. They try to convert gays and lesbians into a straight lifestyle.

    This Friday night, the message didn’t go over well. Some gays and lesbians reacted by trying to chase the group out of the Castro.

    “Their rights were respected,” said Joe Schmitz, an opponent of Prop 8. “They got a chance to go ahead and pray on the sidewalk and I had the opportunity to express my freedom of speech which is telling them to get out of my neighborhood.”

    San Francisco Police officers in riot gear formed a line and escorted the religious group into a van to safely get them out of the area.

    Members of the gay community insisted that their reaction to the Christian group was spontaneous. “It was not an organized thing. We’re tired of it. It’s not religious. It’s not a racial thing. It’s about hate. We’re trying to send a message across the world that we’re standing up and we don’t want this to go on anymore,” said Adam Quintero.

    The graphic description as to what happened is here.

    I went to the Castro (the homosexual district of San Francisco) with JHOPSF (I have been with the Justice House of Prayer San Francisco since April 2008.) like we usually do on Friday nights.
    Normally, we sit on 18th and Castro, and someone plays the guitar, and we all worship God.
    Sometimes a person will yell at us, or maybe a few. Sometimes people will ignore us. Sometimes people will let us pray with them.
    This time was not a normal night. It was the first time we’d been back in the Castro to do our normal outreach since California Proposition 8, which defined marriage as “one man with one woman” was passed. We played the guitar and sang together and worshiped the Lord. After just singing and worshiping God for a while, Roger decided that we should all hold hands in a circle and continue singing. So we did.
    Someone (Actually a person who came up and hugged and kissed some of us who he knew from the past) convinced some people that we were there to protest against the no on 8 campaign.
    Then some guy who was dressed up like one of the sisters (The sisters of perpetual indulgence is a group of men who dress up like nuns and call themselves the spiritual authority of the Castro.) took a curtain-type thing (Which I think they use to curse people) and wrapped it around us.
    Then a crowd started gathering. We began to sing “Amazing Grace”, and basically sang that song the whole night. (At some points we also sang “Nothing but the Blood of Jesus” and “Oh the Blood of Jesus”.) At first, they just shouted at us, using crude, rude, and foul language and calling us names like “haters” and “bigots”. Since it was a long night, I can’t even begin to remember all of the things that were shouted and/or chanted at us. Then, they started throwing hot coffee, soda and alcohol on us and spitting (and maybe even peeing) on us. Then, a group of guys surrounded us with whistles, and blasted them inches away from our ears continually. Then, they started getting violent and started shoving us. At one point a man tried to steal one of our Bibles. Chrisdene noticed, so she walked up to him and said “Hey, that’s not yours, can you please give it back?”. He responded by hitting her on the head with the Bible, shoving her to the ground, and kicking her. I called the cops, and when they got there, they pulled her out of the circle and asked her if she wanted to press charges. She said “No, tell him I forgive him.” Afterwards, she didn’t rejoin us in the circle, but she made friends with one of the people in the crowd, and really connected heart to heart. Roger got death threats. As the leader of our group, people looked him in the eyes and said “I am going to kill you.”, and they were serious. A cop heard one of them, and confronted him. (This part is kinda graphic, so you should skip the paragraph if you don’t want to be offended.) It wasn’t long before the violence turned to perversion. They were touching and grabbing me, and trying to shove things in my butt, and even trying to take off my pants – basically trying to molest me. I used one hand to hold my pants up, while I used the other arm to hold one of the girls. The guys huddled around all the girls, and protected them. Soon after, the cops came and stood between us and the mob. When it was getting more heated, the cops were like “You guys should leave.” and Roger said “We want to stay.” Someone tried to steal my backpack, but I tapped a cop on the shoulder, and said “Hey, that’s my bag.” and he got it from him and gave it to me. Others weren’t so lucky. Probably half our team got their jackets stolen. Eventually, as the crowd was getting more and more uncontrollable, the cops were afraid for our lives, so they escorted us to our van. (The cops were very nice to us from start to finish.) Our van was parked pretty far because it was hard to find parking that day. As the cops escorted us, the mob followed us, until the cops formed a line, and held off the people so we could drive away. We took the long way home, just in case anyone tried to follow us. When we got home, we prayed and sang more, and then prayed over each-other. Please know my heart. All of what we do is for the Love of Jesus Christ, and the love for those in the Castro. The Bible says to love God, and then love people. We can only love because He loved us first. We can’t hate the people because they are just broken and blinded by the spirit of this age. Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against Principalities and Powers. It’s not a political thing, we just love the people.

    Proposition 8 passed and there have been numerous lawsuits filed to stop it but the harassment, intimidation has to stop.

    Where are San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom or California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in denouncing the harassment and violence?


    Is it because they favor gay marriage at any cost?

    “Whether You Like it or Not?”

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  • Barack Obama,  Missile Defense

    Will Barack Obama Continue Missile Defense?


    Will newly elected President Barack Obama continue with the missile defense system first proposed during the Reagan Administration but flourished under President George W. Bush?

    Likely says this piece in Time Magazine.

    President George W. Bush promised to build a “Star Wars” missile shield, and he has kept that promise — even if there is no guarantee if the shield works or that it increases security. There has indeed been much Democratic derision focused on what has mostly been seen as a Republican program, one that has been lavished with $100 billion since Ronald Reagan called for such a shield at the height of the Cold War in 1983.

    But even in a Democratic-run Pentagon the push for missile defense is going to continue. If Obama keeps Defense Secretary Robert Gates on, as some advisers are arguing he should, that would come as no surprise. “Russia has nothing to fear from a defensive missile shield,” Gates said Thursday as he argued for extending the system to Europe. The current plan is to place 10 missile interceptors in Poland and a missile-tracking radar in the Czech Republic by 2014. It’s strongly opposed by Russia, which views it as an unwelcome military threat in a region where it has always been pre-eminent. The other leading contender for the Pentagon post is Richard Danzig, a Clinton Navy secretary, who recently told reporters that the Obama team has “a strong view that national missile defense is a rewarding area and should be invested in.”

    With Iran and North Korea beating the drums of a nefarious missile offense, it would be foolish for an Obama Administration to scale back a “DEFENSIVE” system which would discourage hostilities from these rogue states.

    Plus, there are the issues of a resurgent, bellicose Russia with their large contingent of land based nuclear tipped missiles and an emerging China which has already demonstrated hostility towards the United States in space.

    Now, whether Obama extends the misslie shield to Europe, may be one of his first national security calls. And, should Obama change direction, acquiesces to Russian demands and then Europe is blackmailed by Iran and/or Russia, the Bay of Pigs of John Kennedy may translate over to “The One.”

    Flap bets he makes some pronouncements and superficial cuts to mollify some lefty Democrats and then supplements the apporpriation in his “BLACK” (Secret) budget.

    Stay tuned…..


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  • Mike Huckabee,  Mitt Romney

    Mike Huckabee Unloads on Mitt Romney in New Book

    Huckabee and Romney

    Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney

    Definitely no love lost between these two former GOP Presidential rivals.

    On Tuesday, that book will arrive on store shelves, and in terms of payback, it will not disappoint. At once a memoir of his campaign, a treatise on the ills of the Republican Party and a blueprint for his own political future, Do The Right Thing: Inside the Movement That’s Bringing Common Sense Back to America is filled with sharp words for his fellow Republicans who frustrated his bid for the party’s nomination.

    Mitt Romney, Huckabee’s principal rival in Iowa, comes in for the roughest treatment. Huckabee writes that the former Massachusetts governor’s record was “anything but conservative until he changed the light bulbs in his chandelier in time to run for president.” He notes that Romney declined to make a phone call of congratulations after Huckabee beat the oddsmakers to win the Iowa caucuses, “which we took as a sign of total disrespect.” He mocks Romney for suggesting, during one debate, more investment in high-yield stocks as a solution to economic woes. “Let them eat stocks!” Huckabee jokes.

    In the Politico, renown for bing a pro-Romney mouth organ, Mitt Romney fires back:

    Asked to respond, Romney spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom said Huckabee was acting small.

    “This type of pettiness is beneath Mike Huckabee,” Fehrnstrom. “If we’re going to move the party forward, we need to offer more than personal recriminations. Unfortunately, in this book, Mike Huckabee is consumed with presumed slights, and he seems more interested in settling scores than in bringing people together.”

    The winners in this firestorm: Bobby Jindahl, John Huntsman, Tim Pawlenty and Sarah Palin.

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  • Arnold Schwarzenegger,  Gay Marriage

    California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger Supports Overturn of California Proposition 8 But Opposes Gay Marriage

    California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger Against Gay Marriage and Proposition 8

    Say what?

    STEPHANOPOULOS: Proposition 8 here in California, it passed, defining marriage as exclusively for men and women. I know you’ve said you hope the court overturns it. Will you join Democrats who are filing a challenge in the court?

    SCHWARZENEGGER: No. I mean, I have been asked to join this fight, and I had my own fight with Proposition 11, and that’s what I’ve focused on.

    But I made it very clear. I personally am — for me, marriage is between a man and a woman. But I don’t want to ever force my will on anyone.

    I think that the Supreme Court was right by saying that it’s unconstitutional. And that everyone should have the right, just like we had the battle in 1948 and the Supreme Court decision came down, that, you know, it was unconstitutional for blacks and whites not to be able to get married with each other, and they overturned that. And since then, that has been taken care of.

    And now the Supreme Court says that it’s also unconstitutional to not let gay people get married, the same-sex marriage. So to me, that is the important decision here, and everything else is not that important. So people can pass initiatives, like Proposition 187 passed under Wilson that said we should not give, you know, Latinos and those that are illegally here any educational services or any kind of medical services. The Supreme Court said, well, the people maybe had some intentions there, but it’s unconstitutional.

    STEPHANOPOULOS: So you think the courts should overturn Proposition 8?

    SCHWARZENEGGER: The court has overturned it. And now they went back. And the people have voted for it again, against the gay marriage. So the Supreme Court, you know, I think ought to go and look at that again. And we’ll go back to the same decision, basically.

    STEPHANOPOULOS: And you believe they will.

    SCHWARZENEGGER: I think that they will. And I think that the important thing now is to resolve this issue in that way.

    SCHWARZENEGGER: In a peaceful way, rather than, you know, going out and protesting, and going out and boycotting and all those things. I think that’s not the best way to go about it.

    STEPHANOPOULOS: In the meantime, some legal experts have suggested that you should, if you believe that, issue an edict, a ruling, that says that the marriages that have already taken place in California are absolutely legal. Will you do that?

    SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, I have to get together with Jerry Brown, our attorney general, and see what the legal opinion is, because he’s my lawyer, basically. And so, we always do those things together.

    STEPHANOPOULOS: But you’re inclined to do it?

    SCHWARZENEGGER: It’s a conversation that I can have with him about the — if that’s the legal way to go.

    Arnold Schwarzenegger is talking out of both sides of his mouth AGAIN. He supported the No on Proposition 8 effort early on but yet did NOTHING for the campaign.

    Now, Arnold wants the California Supreme Court to impose gay marriage again while he says virtually nothing about the harassment and intimidation by gay marriage proponents of Proposition 8 supporters.

    Flap thought Arnold took an oath to support and defend the California Constitution which the voters amended November 4th?

    California’s economy is in a shambles, unemployment is rising, wildfires rage and Arnold has been the worst Governor in modern California history. Too bad there is not enough time remaining in his term to recall him before he does more damage.

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  • Gay Marriage

    California Proposition 8 – Protect Traditional Marriage Supporters Denounce Foes for Harrassment and Intimidation

    Religious leaders and the Protect Marriage Coalition Leadership Unite Against Vicious Attacks By Prop 8 Opponents

    Last Friday, Yes on California Proposition 8 supporters who changed the California Constitution and restored the traditional definition of marriage (one man and one woman) held a news presser denouncing the continuing harrassment and intimidtion of supporters – even after the election.

    Proposition 8 leaders gathered Friday to denounce their opponents’ post-election tactics as harassment, intimidation and – in the case of white powder sent to two Mormon temples – “domestic terrorism.”

    Ten days after the Prop. 8 ban on gay marriage was approved by voters, protests and lawsuits by gay marriage proponents show no signs of abating. Indeed, several dozen protesters were on hand outside the Santa Ana hotel where the pro-Prop. 8 press conference was held, and at least two more Orange County protests are planned for the weekend.

    Prop. 8 leaders were quick to acknowledge that demonstrations and lawsuits were the right of protesters – but other tactics that were out of bounds.

    “What they don’t have the right to do is harass and intimidate people,” said Frank Schubert, director of the Prop. 8 campaign. “They don’t have a right to blacklist and boycott our supporters.”

    Schubert listed three businesses that had been boycotted or threatened with boycotts by Prop. 8 foes. Newspaper accounts have specified at least three more. Cinemark Theatres, which has cinemas in Orange County, has also been mentioned as a possible target.

    Watch the video above or here at You Tube.

    The harassment and boycotts will NOT abate but the fawning MSM will grow tired of covering the inanity and poorly attended protests. And, there will be prosecutions of those deranged individuals who are enegaged in domestic terrorism.

    The next blow-up will be when the California Supreme Court fails to overturn Proposition 8 as a “revision” of the California Constitution.

    Stay tuned…..

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  • Gay Marriage

    El Coyote Mexican Cafe Bullied Into $500 Donation to Homosexual Advocacy Group – JIZYA

    El Coyote Cafe protest

    Hundreds of protesters converged on El Coyote on Beverly Boulevard on Wednesday night, November 12, 2008. Photo courtesy of LA Times

    Michelle calls the $500 donation to an advocacy group challenging California’s Proposition 8 –  JIZYA.

    Flap calls it extortion.

    Note the Los Angeles Times has corrected its original story on the El Coyote Mexican Cafe.

    An article in Saturday’s California section about a donation made by employees of the El Coyote Mexican Cafe in support of a challenge to Proposition 8 said that the owner of the restaurant is Mormon. The owner’s daughter is Mormon.

    The gay employees of the restaurant throwing the owner’s daughter under the bus to save their own asses. All for a $100 contribution to Yes on Proposition 8.

    Real class.

    By the way, the obviously bigoted, Mormon daughter (Marjorie Christoffersen) of the owner who is a manager at the restaurant has taken a leave of absence rather than apologize or write another $100 check to the homosexual lobby.

    Where is the owner, Flap asks?

    Want to bet he pays the JIZYA?

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