Rod Blagojevich,  Roland Burris

No Deal Between Harry Reid and Roland Burris – Senate Game of Chicken Brewing?

Roland Burris at New covenant Baptist church

Roland Burris talks to the crowd at the New Covenant Baptist Church during a rally in Chicago, Sunday. Burris currently on his way to Washington D.C. to fight for Barack Obama’s Senate seat.

The Secretary of the United States Senate has refused to accept Roland Burris’ appointment by Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich.

Firing the first shot in Washington in the fight over the appointment of Roland Burris to the U.S. Senate, Gov. Blagojevich’s acting chief of staff hand-delivered Burris’ nomination certificate to the Capitol this morning — only to see it rejected by the secretary of the Senate.

Chief of staff Clayton Harris delivered the certificate around 8 a.m., eastern standard time, said Blagojevich spokesman Lucio Guerrero.

The secretary of the senate and two assistants acknowledged receipt of the document “but did not formally accept it” because it did not bear Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White’s signature, Guerrero said.

White refused to sign the certificate last week, joining the chorus of politicians who say Blagojevich is not fit to fill the vacant seat because of his Dec. 9 arrest on corruption charges. The governor and Burris are hoping the Illinois Supreme Court will force White to sign the document.

Stay tuned as this drama plays out and Burris makes his way to Washington D.C.

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  • Neverson Dollar

    If Mr. Burris is truly desiring to be a senator, then he needs to go back to Illinois and proceed correctly. Campaign within Illinois to be recognized and certified with in the state of Illinois. Which would be the honorable thing to do. Like President elect Obama has stated the appointment carries the Illinois governor dishonor and his williness to insult the citizen of Illinois the United States of America Congressional body, as well as the people of the the United States of American.

  • Flap

    Roland Burris has already filed suit in the Illinois Supreme Court. Expect the ruling that the Illinois Secretary of State must approve the appointment any time now.

    Then, what will be the excuse that Burris cannot take his set?