CIA,  Mancow,  Waterboarding

Mancow on Waterboarding: I Want to Find Out If It’s Torture?

WLS Radio talk show host subjects himself to waterboarding

How do you spell MORON? Oh Yeah MANCOW.

Mancow admits that waterboarding is torture after lasting what 6 or 7 seconds but he could have discovered the same without the moronic exhibition from the journalists who went before – especially Vanity Fair’s Christopher Hitchens. Hitchen’s waterboarding is directly below.

Journalist Christopher Hitchen’s is waterboarded

Here is a reporter from Playboy, Mike Guy who was waterboarded.

See if Mike Guy from Playboy can win his bet he can last 15 seconds?

But, what is the real question for debate here? Is waterboarding torture, like having a red hot poker stuck up your ass or being boiled in oil or being stretched senseless on the rack?

Or is it: whether waterboarding is a valid or moral means of reliable information extraction?

And, to what limits and under whose authority would waterboarding EVER be used? Watch this video where these questions are explored.

So, is torture an impermissible evil? Or are there exceptions?

Rather than having these moronic and horrific displays of the technique itself, let’s move onto exploring what the actual results of the enhanced interrogation methods, including waterboarding were, what works and doesn’t.

President Obama can start the debate by releasing the classified CIA memos for the public to evaluate. No more hiding the ball.


  • Dovescorner

    This would be a non issue is these folks had dissappeared before, BEFORE they reached American occupied soil! Make no mistake I voted for Obama, I am proud to see America overwhelming voted for Obama as it tell me that the Racism that once existed in America and seen around the world, is not as prevalent as it once was! My kids have a better future and the torture that my parents and grand parents endured is now worth it seeing a BLack President!

    My deapest despair is when Americans try to turn this conversation on Bush and now Obama depending on who leads the conversation. What ever Waterboarding is it should not be neccessary cause as an american not a conservative, not a obama support but a AMERICAN, if 9/11 is the issue, truely the issue, these guys should be non-existent like the thousands of American Citizens are that were trapped and innocently murdered in the Twin Towers! I did not see them boarding the planes or ships to come to Gitmo and I really should not be seeing them and paying for them to eat NOW.

    At the end of the day we are Americans and our views as God fearing Christians should not be based on our opinion of a man or his skin color. I never met a man that I could not agree with anything that he does in such a short period of time. There is a name for that!

  • Mark Gibson

    One generation at a time we are moving away from the ignorance and intolerance of racism. The idea that a couple of teaspoons of pigment (melanin) makes any difference on who a person ends up becoming is an exercise in stupidity.

    I am old enough to know that racism does still live in our world, but I long for the day that a conversation about what a country can or should do to captured hardened terrorists to protect the lives of innocent civilians does not boil down to what color skin it’s President happens to have.

    There are factions on the far left of our country that would happily free every one of the terrorists in Gitmo, and of course factions on the right that would happily allow them to rot in Cuba until they die. And yet I am heartened by the fact that our country is more than willing to go through the gut wrenching self examination of how it treats the worst dregs of mankind because I believe that it keeps the shining light that is America grounded.

  • Derevokas

    Что-то такое слышал, но не так подробно, а откуда материал брали?

  • Ling

    Let’s forget torture for a minute. America dropped a couple of bombs on the Japs to end WWII. No one can even imagine doing anything like that to stop a war now, but I’m guessing a lot of people who oppose it now would have gone along with it, had they been been there at that time. It’s a matter of perspective – time and place – which makes things right and wrong.

  • Dovescorner

    Dam! I agree with both of the above posts Ling and expecially my new friend Mark! Dont know what the russian guy is saying and don’t really care! As Obama says there is more that unite us than divide us so guys lets bring the rest of our Americans with us We are the Greatest Country althought we are Broke! LOL Love you 2 guys with the love of our Big Brother Jesus!

    Ling speaking of perspective time and place, there is an instance in the BIBLE that God gave instructions to go in and KILL EVERYTHING AND LEAVE NOTHING ALIVE! We have to be careful guys how we state things but I hope we understand each other! LOL

  • samed

    Dam! I agree with both of the above posts Ling and expecially my new friend Mark! Dont know what the russian guy is saying and don’t really care! As Obama says there is more that unite us than divide us so guys lets bring the rest of our Americans with us We are the Greatest Country althought we are Broke! LOL Love you 2 guys with the love of our Big Brother Jesus!