Barbara Boxer,  Carly Fiorina

CA-Sen Video: Barbara Boxer Gets Mixed Up On CNN – Not the First Time She is Confused With Facts

Good grief and Barbara Boxer is a U.S. Senator? She cannot even get her own career facts straight = OLD.

California incumbent Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer spent some time today with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer straightening out her arithmetic. Boxer is in a toss-up race with GOP challenger and former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina.

“I voted for over $2 trillion of tax cuts, the largest one was in the stimulus bill,” Boxer said. Blitzer, confused, thought she meant $2 trillion in the stimulus, when she meant over her career.

Then Boxer got confused: “No, no, no — $1.2 trillion with the stimulus.”

That confused Blitzer even more, since the entire stimulus was about $800 billion. He asked, “There was $1.2 trillion in tax cuts in the stimulus?”

Boxer replied, “There was a lot. About, well, I will put it this way, over time, that’s what it will be, when you figure all the tax cuts over time. And what we did for the senior citizens, giving them back those refunds. So there was a lot.”

She finally got back on track, adding, correctly this time, “Actually, a third of the stimulus was tax cuts. That I can tell you.”

That’s the “Making Work Pay” cut that President Obama mistakenly thought would bring Republicans along to support the stimulus. Democrats bitterly complained later that the tax cut showed up as a few dollars a week in people’s paychecks that almost no one noticed.

But, you know this is not the first time. Look at this video:

Senator Barbara Boxer confused again

Now, California voters understand why Boxer only agreed to one face to face debate with Carly Fiorina. Boxer really does not have the command of herself necessary to be a Senator.

Sen. Barbara Boxer appeared on Ed Schultz’s MSNBC show earlier, and her performance was a pretty stunning demonstration of how little clue she has about what’s actually in the health care legislation she was on air to promote. A frustrated Boxer appeared on the show to defend the bill against attacks from the liberal Schultz, who began the segment by hammering Democrats for caving into moderates and watering down the government-run plan.

In the clip below, Boxer tried to reassure Schultz by touting all of the government programs that are expanded by the bill. But she stumbled when trying to say how many new Medicaid beneficiaries would be added, said she needed to fact check it, looked off camera as if for guidance, and ended up asserting that the Medicaid expansion alone would cover 30 million more people. Yet anybody with an inkling of understanding of the Senate bill knows that the entire bill only covers 31 million according to the Congressional Budget Office. The expansion of Medicaid and SCHIP accounts for 15 million of that. I may sound like I’m nitpicking, but this is not some obscure provision of the bill or esoteric statistic. The coverage provisions account for the bulk of the overall cost of the legislation. It’s alarming that a sitting Senator would be this utterly clueless on the most sweeping domestic policy initiative since Medicare was created in 1965.