Sarah Palin

Tea Party Group Wants Palin for RNC – Not Going to Happen

"Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips sent a letter to former Alaska GOP Gov. Sarah Palin asking her to run for chairwoman of the Republican National Committee.

"In order for the tea party, conservative movement to be successful, we have to have someone conservative running the GOP," Phillips told POLITICO. "She is the perfect candidate. If she does not try, I am afraid we will end up with just another establishment flunky running the party and the [Republicans in name] will control the party again."

" In his letter to Palin, Phillips pleaded, “We need you as [chairwoman] of the RNC. You have shown in the past no hesitation to take on the establishment. … If we end up with establishment control of the GOP and their support for an establishment candidate in 2012, Obama and the socialists will have won."

I don’t know what the rationale is behind this request but the LEFT is running with it this morning.

Sarah Palin will NOT be running for the RNC Chairmanship under any circumstances. Sarah is an "outsider" not a party partisan. The RNC chairmanship is the ultimate insider political job.

This entire exercise is just another attempt to paint the entire GOP as Sarah Palin.

The GOP is not.

tags: Sarah_Palin

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.