Mike Huckabee,  Mitt Romney,  Sarah Palin

President 2012 Poll Watch: In Iowa Mike Huckabee Continues to Lead

The new PPP Presidential poll is out for Iowa.

If Mike Huckabee decides to run for President again in 2012 he’ll start out the same place in Iowa where he finished in 2008- first place. Huckabee leads there with 30% to 18% for Mitt Romney, 15% for Sarah Palin, 13% for Newt Gingrich, 6% for Ron Paul, 4% for Tim Pawlenty, 3% for John Thune, and 1% for Mitch Daniels.

Providing Sarah Palin runs and if she does will Mike Huckabee?

The Biggest Loser in this poll is Mitt Romney.