Barack Obama,  Los Angeles

President Obama to Paralyze Los Angeles Freeways for Campaign Cash – The Obamajam

President Barack Obama is hugged by a supporter after speaking at a DNC fundraiser at Nob Hill Masonic Center in San Francisco, Calif., Thursday, April 21, 2011. President Obama is making a West Coast trip aimed at building support for his deficit-reduction plans and raising money for his re-election campaign

Good luck West Los Angeles – you will need it.

I suppose there is no way President Obama can lose California in 2012. But he’s giving it a shot tomorrow–attending two fundraisers that, with the usual level of presidential security, promise to immobilize the West Side of Los Angeles during evening rush hour. … P.S.: Some enterprising journalist should tote up the cost of the visit, in terms of lost work hours and productivity, and greenhouse gases emitted by motorists stuck in traffic, and compare it with the amount of money Obama raised. I bet the ratio is more than 100 to 1.

Somehow I think KFI’s John and Ken will be all over Obama this afternoon.

Head on a stick?


  • Caseelvis

    Yeah, O`Bama is going to the streets asking for help financially to finance his campaign, while the Repugnicans (not mis-spelled) are going to BP, Chevron, insurance co`s, banks, Wall ST, Koch Bros, etc. etc. etc….

    • Gregory Flap Cole

      Yeah the President is going to Hollywood and asking the movie moguls and entertainment industry to finance his campaign. Yesterday he was in Silicon Valley and San Francisco asking the technology sector for the big bucks.

      He and the DemoRATS (not mis-spelled) sure know how to pack away the money from the people on the street.

      Get real…..