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Flap’s Links and Comments for May 31st on 19:42

These are my links for May 31st from 19:42 to 19:52:

  • Weinergate: Weiner’s Actual Tweet Stream Disputes His Version, Raises Valid Questions – The second image below is an exact duplication, in top-to-bottom chronological order of Rep. Anthony Weiner’s actual Twitter timeline on the night of what’s now being called Weinergate. It includes a now deleted Tweet of an explicit image, which can also now be determined to have been Tweeted at 11:30 PM ET on the night of May 27. That’s made possible by referencing two existing time-lines, Weiner’s own on Twitter and that of TweetCongress, an official Tweet stream of all Representatives. Evidently, it is cached separately, as while Weiner deleted the offending Tweet from his Twitter account, it remained at TweetCongress when last checked and screen capped, though the linked image is unavailable. That would have been deleted at Yfrog. But the Tweet is unmistakeably the one in question.It is the center Tweet in the screen cap below. Because we can determine where it appeared in his timeline down to the minute and have the actual Twitter timestamps for his other Tweets via his Twitter page, we can demonstrate the actual time of the controversial Tweet to have been 11:30 PM, as stated above.


    Dan is correct about the timeline. Weiner forgot the D in front of his direct message on Twitter and has been busted sending a naughty pic of his weiner.

  • Weinergate: Too many coincidences in Weiner’s tale – Rep. Weiner is a man of national prominence, a rising star in the Democratic Party, frequently on TV, a past and likely future candidate for mayor. He knows and is known by thousands of movers, shakers, members of the press and politicians on the city, state and national levels.Yet, as of yesterday, he was following fewer than 200 others — and, with all those famous folks to choose from, one of the few he followed was Cordova, a 21-year-old college student who lives nearly 3,000 miles away in Bellingham,Wash.

    Run that though your head for a second and at the same time remember two important facts about Twitter:

    1. If two people follow each other on Twitter, they can send private messages unseen by others.

    2. The difference between a direct message, seen by only the recipient, and a public tweet, seen by the world, is a single character.

    The biggest problem for Weiner and his defenders on the left is not bloggers from the right. It’s the details of “#weinergate” can be understood by millions of ordinary people in 140 characters or less.