Craig Huey,  Janice Hahn

CA-36 Poll Watch: Craig Huey in TIGHT Race Against Janice Hahn

LA City Councilwoman Janice Hahn (D) and Businessman Craig Huey (R) who will face off on July 12, 2011 in CA-36, Jane Harman’s Congressional District

This is what Politico is reporting this morning.

Internal Democratic polling shows Democrat Janice Hahn up by only a handful of points — roughly five — in the special-election race to succeed Jane Harman, Democratic sources tell Huddle. Hahn Campaign Manager Dave Jacobsen, who declined to confirm the numbers, told Huddle that voters in the 36th District are just starting to learn about Republican Craig Huey. To wit, Hahn’s campaign is going up with its first cable television buy of the general election today, noting that Huey has called Planned Parenthood a “murder mill” in the past. D.C. Democrats know they can’t take anything for granted and they’re in close contact with the Hahn campaign. After the bump they got from Kathy Hochul’s special election victory in New York, they don’t want to give up that momentum — and certainly not in Pelosi’s home state.

Five points is probably within the margin of error, so Craig Huey the underdog Republican has a shot. This is why Hahn has already started the negative ads on cable television.

California Democrats are worried – and they should be.


  • Kfitzer

    Primary votes broke 56/44 favoring Democratic candidates. I suspect the runoff will land about the same percentages.

    • Gregory Flap Cole

      The District has an overwhelming Democratic registration but this is a July special election and turnout will be low.

      Obviously Janice Hahn is worried and she should be.

      There could be an upset in the making since the California economy is so poor.

  • FeartheSame

    It should be noted Hahn won the primary by antagonizing a significant portion of the Democratic base and provoking a party split.  If the Winograd people do not come out for her, she falls short of a majority.  Hence the need to demonize Craig Huey, as it is quite possible fans of Hahn’s rivals might feel letting Hahn be beaten by Huey would end Hahn’s career paving the path for their candidate in the 2012 election where turnout should quite favor the democrat.

  • FeartheSame

    Which means in the 2012 election, Huey’s best bet (incumbent or no), is if Obama is pretty much preparing his concession speech before the polls close.  I suspect that CA adopted this new primary system which seems to be based on the old Louisiana model, to keep Greens from throwing races to Republicans.  But these things usually backfire, and Dems may come to regret changing things.

    • Gregory Flap Cole

      Except…this is a special election in 30 days.

      In 2012 there will be a new Congressional District which may prove to be more favorable for Huey but still a tough race.

  • alien

    how can someone like huey come close in the polls? people do not understand how dangerous to americans freedom he is. if it is up to huey, the constitution will be out and the christian church will run our country. he is one of the most extreme people i have ever seen. very dangerous guy.

    • Gregory Flap Cole


      Because Craig Huey is able to point to the fact that California Democrats have driven the economy into the ditch.

      Huey is dangerous?

      Sounds like Huey Derangement Syndrome to me from a worried lefty that worries a conservative might have solutions Californians will support and win the election.

      • alien

        the existing republicans and democrats both ruined this state. that said, it was the state politicians that did the damage, not the washington congressman. you should read before you comment. again, because i feel huey is a danger to this country, does not mean i am a liberal. it is that crazy rhetoric that makes elections what they are today.  

    • Badger459

      Alien, your name is a good choice.  It is time you study American History before you speak about the Christian Church. It is you who are a dangerous guy as Thomas Jefferson warned.

  • Gobble

    Go Huey!  I’ve followed Janice Hahn for awhile on the city council…wow…she doesn’t even rise to the low standard set by her fellow council members…  but I guess she is easy for the unions to spoon feed….

  • Lon Garbett

    As a member of the Los Angeles city council Hahn is partially responsible for the fiscal deficit that the city and the state face. I believe her to be a socialist and a proponent of Obama.