Arnold Schwarzenegger,  California,  Election 2006,  Politics,  Special Election 2005

California Special Election 2005: The Fat Lady Has Sung on Schwarzenegger’s Governorship

Todd Warden of Fullerton, California demonstrates in the street near the polling place where California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger voted in the Brentwood area of Los Angeles November 8, 2005.

Everyone has an opinion as to last night’s debacle of the California Special Election 2005.

Flap has some of the better pieces below:

Hugh Hewitt has Dear Governor:

Dan Walters of the Sacramento Bee has A setback, yes – but Schwarzenegger must redouble reform effort

Ken Masugi at Local Liberty Blog, Post-Mortem or Pre-Mortem? UPDATED X2


Dan Weintraub of the Sacramento Bee has Public says no thanks to Schwarzenegger’s ideas

Interesting reading and please read them all.

So, has the Fat Lady Sung on Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Governorship?

You betcha.

The Governator had a win-win situation even in the defeat of all of his reform measures and he still LOST.


He lost touch with the average California voter.

Can he regain his popularity and win re-relection anyway?


Two quotes aptly apply here:

From Hugh Hewitt:

As Nixon often remarked: You can’t win with just the conservatives, but you cannot win without them.

Arnold will never have the full support of California conservatives. He is not a conservative – plain and simple. Even Orange County did NOT turn out for him last night.

John Burton put the same thought slightly differently.

Once people start not liking you in politics or show biz, then forget it,” Burton said. “It happened to Gray Davis. The day they wrote checks for the recall, he was f—ed .”

With all

of the protests

of the missteps

of the misquotes and poor quotes (Kick THEIR Butts, indeed)

of the leftie appointments to California government

of the unanswered televison ads directly attacking you

of the staged media events (instead of live debates) because your consultants though you were an empty suit

of the rich movie star luxuries

of the unsupportive wife and her family

of the perceived Conflicts of Interests in business dealings and fundraising…..

for these and more…….

Arnold, you should seek out some film deals and let the California Republican Party recruit another candidate for California Governor in 2006.