Iran,  Terrorists

Iran Watch: Khatami Condemns Osama Bin Laden at Harvard Speech


Former Iranian President Mohammed Khatami, right, is escorted by security as he departs the Media Laboratory on the campus of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Cambridge, Mass., Monday, Sept. 11, 2006. In a speech at Harvard University, in Cambridge, Sunday, Sept. 10, 2006, Khatami condemned Osama bin Laden for committing crimes in the name of Islam.

AP: At Harvard, Khatami condemns bin Laden

Former Iranian President Mohammed Khatami, in a speech at Harvard University, condemned
Osama bin Laden for committing crimes in the name of Islam and said Jews have the right to live peacefully, but he skirted the issue of whether they have the right to do so in their state of

Speaking on the eve of the fifth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, Khatami said he had two problems with the al-Qaida leader behind the attacks.

“First, because of the crimes he conducts,” he said, “and second because he conducts them in the name of Islam, the religion which is a harbinger of peace and justice.”

Khatami, whose speech in Farsi was relayed through a translator, said he was one of the first world leaders to condemn “the barbarous acts” of Sept. 11.

In response to a question about the notion of suicide bombers gaining entry to heaven as reward for their martyrdom, Khatami said, “Those who put others through hell will never go to heaven.”

Khatami took a softer tone on Israel than current President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad when asked whether he favored the elimination of the state of Israel. He said he opposes the systematic elimination of any people. “The Jews have a right to live in peace and control their destinies,” he said, but he didn’t say whether they have a right to do so in an Israeli state in the Middle East.

Hezbollah, the Lebanese militant group, is widely believed to have received weapons and other support from its backers Syria and Iran. Khatami denied that Iran helps fund the group and defended the organization’s right to exist.


Former Iranian President Mohammed Khatami speaks at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts September 10, 2006. Khatami said on Sunday Hizbollah was a symbol of Arab resistance and that groups or nations fighting oppression could not be equated with terrorists.

But what did the supposed moderate terrorist Iranian President Khatami NOT say?

Israel has a RIGHT to exist.

And……Khatami outright lied about Hezbollah receiving Iranian aid in order to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.

Read about Khatami’s “moderation” here.


You bet……


A group of people gather to protest against the speech by former Iranian President Mohammed Khatami at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts September 10, 2006.

So, should have the President allowed a visa for this Mullah propagandist?


Khatami is a LIAR and a THUG who supports terror. Why give him a platform and standing in the United States?

Stay tuned……


Cox & Forkum: Khatami’s Charm Offensive at Harvard

Iran Watch: The CAIR Khamai Reception

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