• Tyler

    Kos is married. With a kid.

    And how about that Mark Foley, co-chairman of the Missing and Exploited Children Caucus? He may be prosecuted under the legislation he helped pass! Hahaha! The Party of Values, indeed.

  • Flap

    So, Kos looks Gay to me…..I know plenty of closet married Gays. How about the perv who was the Democrat Governor of New Jersey, James McGreevey.

    The Dimrats = party of tolerance……Ha!

    and Greenwald is definitely……

    Mark Foley is a perv and deserves prosecution…….

  • Tyler

    I personally have no problem with people being gay. So what if McGreevey is gay? What amuses me terribly is the Party of Anti-Gay Marriage filled with closet cases. The hypocrisy is stunning.

    And seriously, you know plenty of closet married Gays??? Hahahaha!!!! Flap, you should quit this thread while you’re, uh, even.


  • Flap

    But, the hypocrisy of the Democrat McGreevey is that he had a tawdry gay affair while he was closted with his wife. His wife, you see, did not know.

    The Democrats are so tolerant. So, why did he resign from office?

    Hypocrisy grows in both parties……It must be endemic to politicians.

    Now tell me you don’t think Kos is gay?

  • Tyler

    Who cares if Kos is gay? Why do you care?

    And why do you question Oprah’s judgment in men? Do you find only heterosexual men attractive? Or just conservative ones? How about Commander Codpiece – got a poster of him on the flight deck up on the wall? Hahahahaha!! Loving this thread, Flap! Thanks for a great Friday laugh.


  • Tyler

    Well, Stedman, yes. You got me there. 🙂

    Have a great weekend. PS – keep an eye on the VC Star on Sunday for a column on The Ojai Post…