President 2008,  Rudy Giuliani

Rudy Giuliani Watch: Rudy a STAR in California

Readers: Please Vote in Flap’s January 2008 GOP Presidential Poll


KLO @ NRO: Rudy’s Star Power

A friend of mine was at a fundraiser for Rudy Giuliani in Los Angeles last night. His walkaway thought: “[Rudy] might have a tough time in the primary but he will crush in the general.”

Said friend says of last night: “I have to tell you the man is very impressive. When he talks about the war on terror he does so more clearly than anyone I have heard including the President. He doesn’t bash the President ever and this was LA where he could really get away with it.”

Could it be that Rudy Giuliani is a LEADER and knows NO American gains (except for cheap political points) by bashing the President.

After watching Giuliani’s video interview here and his speech in New Hampshire this past weekend, Flap is assured that Rudy is RIGHT on the global War on Terror. Concomitantly he wold RIP Hillary and the Democrats on their political expedient Bush-hating NON-PLAN.

And a clip from Rudy’s speech before the New Hampshire GOP:

More from K-Lo:

Rudy did an immigration bit that was “to the right of everyone else except maybe Tancredo. He talked about immigration in terms of national security. He said we needed to revamp our entire system so that we can get good people. He also said that if the twelve million already here expected to get any type of citizenship they would have to prove that they could read, write, and speak English.”

The fundraiser was sponsored by Bill Simon (who worked with Rudy in the U.S. Attorney’s office). My friend, who is the rare pro-life, Hollywood hawk, left wondering if he could support Rudy if it came to that. “We all know where Rudy is on abortion but my question is what does he think of Judges Roberts and Alito? If he says that he would appoint judges of like mind then I think he can skate on the abortion issue because it does come down to the judges.” It was Hollywood though so no one asked about any social issues.

Here is Giluiani on the Judges:

While in Ohio, Rudy called into the Bill Cunningham radio show. Speaking about the Supreme Court, Rudy said: “Justices Roberts and Alito were both colleagues of mine [in the Reagan Justice Department] – people I worked with and I admire tremendously. I thought that they were inspired choices that the President made – inspired in many ways, because they also were people who had a strong conservative background and strict constructionists.” He added, “Justice Scalia was also a colleague of mine…and he probably would have been my choice for Chief Justice.”

Here is Giuliani on illegal immigration:

Last night, in an interview with Fox‘s Bill O’Reilly, Rudy Giuliani again put himself squarely in the president’s camp on immigration reform. The mayor is for tough border security, but he has also made the case in recent speeches that real reform must include a guest worker program and a “path to citizenship.” On Fox, Giuliani argued that comprehensive reform is not only practical but also aides in fighting crime and thwarting terrorists.


Flap knows the reader will appreciate the “common sense ” approach of the Mayor.  An approach that cannot be pigeon holed as either Amnesty or Minuteman – but practical.

Sounds like a Star performance to Flap.

If Flap gets any audio or video he will post an update.

Others Blogging:


Patrick Ruffini



Rudy Giuliani Watch: Giuliani LEADS in Latest Rasmussen GOP Poll

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Rudy Giuliani Watch: Latest Time Magazine Poll Has McCain Leading Giuliani by 4 Points

Rudy Giuliani Watch: What Does a Mayor Know About Iraq?

The Rudy Giuliani Files

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