• Dorothy Mehl

    I’m 83 years old & before I die I WILL HAVE a female president. All my energy & visualisations will be directed to this end. This country badly needs just the things Hillary can bring to the White House; honesty, compassion, intelligence, a sense of what’s right for the people; all the things that are missing in the present administration. I know she will not let anyone kill our boys for oil, money, power, etc. Sound familiar? Please, all women, vote for Hillary & talk your men into voting for her also. We will have a wonderful, peaceful, honest government. Something we have’nt had for almost 8 years. Are’nt you sick & tired of male rule???? I sure as hell am!!

  • Flap

    What a laugh!

    Honesty, compassion, intelligence and a sense of what is right for the people are not Hillary Clinton’s character attributes.

    You may have to wait until 2012 or 2016, Dorothy.