Illegal Immigration,  Michael Ramirez

Illegal Immigration Watch: Rush to Border Judgment


When the Senate illegal immigration proposal was first announced last Thursday Flap urged a “go slow” approach to rejecting this comprehensive bill.

Flap continues to maintain that current federal immigration policy is broken and unacceptable.

But, after further review and cursory reading of the bill over the weekend, Flap has come to the conclusion that this bill requires substantial amendment before it is ready for passage. There are too many unintended consequences.

Let the Senate debate begin today. But, a final vote on Thursday will NOT be realistic.


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One Comment

  • John A. Hays

    The traditional values that created this great nation are under increasing assault from those who have a vision of “a new world order”. This is just the latest solution being sold by the people who have created the problem. Freedom, like air, is one of those things one doesn’t miss until there is none