Mitt Romney,  President 2008

Mitt Romney Watch: Mormonism – Is it an Issue?


Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney exits after addressing the media prior to a fundraiser Wednesday, June 20, 2007, in Gilbert, Ariz.

Rival camps take aim at Romney’s religion

In a presidential race in which Romney’s candidacy is testing the country’s attitudes toward Mormonism, the comments by a McCain representative in Iowa are the latest of several instances of rival campaign operatives trying to bring Romney’s faith onto the campaign playing field. Over the past year, staff or volunteers from at least three opposing campaigns have, at times subtly and at times not, spread negative information about Mormons in an apparent effort to damage Romney’s bid for the presidency.

Yes, Romney’s religion is clearly an issue in this campaign. Why?

Because Mitt Romney is using his religion to gain advantage over his political opponents.

For example, Flap has received a number of letters from Mormon aquaintenances asking for financial support of his candidacy. Romney is without a doubt using his Mormon base of support (church lists, volunteers, etc.) to financially support his candidacy.

The early money is allowing his campaign to hit the television airwaves early to build his name recognition, fund his internet operations and mold his BUZZ. In the early states of Iowa and New Hampshire, Romney has been running numerous television ads and surprisingly enough (NOT) has shot up in the polls.

The other campaigns know this and are calling him out.

There is nothing wrong with Romney using his church – as long as the American people understand and this is disclosed. Some voters may be concerned that there is too close a Mormon Church tie to this candidate. But, this is for the voter to decide.

Flap expects more anonymous Mormon sniping and intense scrutiny of his Mormon donor base after second quarter fundraising reports are released.

Stay tuned……


Mitt Romney Watch: Mitt 25% Thompson 17% Rudy 15% in Latest Iowa Mason-Dixon Poll

Mitt Romney Watch: California – Romney Leading in Latest Datamar Poll

Mitt Romney Watch: Calling Brownback a “Bottom Feeder”

Mitt Romney Watch: Brownback Calls Out Mitt on Abortion

Mitt Romney Watch: McCain Calls Out Mitt on Abortion

Mitt Romney Watch: Flipping on Immigration AGAIN

Mitt Romney Watch: Modulating on Immigration?

The Mitt Romney Posts

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  • Hmmm

    Let me clarify the facts.
    1. Romney is NOT using his church to fund his campaign. Aboslutley no indorsement or financial support has be given to Romney from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
    2. Members of the Church have contributed to his campaign, however that is NO different then blacks supporting Obama, women supporting Hillary, Evangelicals supporting and funding a evangelical candidate.
    3. Nothing is disclosed because there is NOTHING to disclose.
    4. I can tell you right now, if Romney weren’t a Mormon, Fred Thompson would not have entered the race. Romney would clearly be ahead. I checked all of the candidates background and Romney by far has the best education (Top in his undergraduate class, cum laude in his Harvard MBA, cum laude and Baker Scholar for his Harvad Law degree). He has had the most bottom line experience turning around failing organizations including business, Olympics and Mass. Not to mention he is the only candidate that can show by example how strong his family values are. He doesn’t just talk about values, he lives them.

    The only problem is he is a Mormon….it sounds pretty foolish for a country that was established on freedom of religion.

  • Flap

    Romney is NOT using his church to fund his campaign:

    Yes, he is and I have received the fundraising appeals from Mormon acquaintances.

    There is nothing wrong with this as I stated. But, it may make some voters concerned about church vs state issues.

    As long as it is disclosed and voters can make an informed decision then there is no problem with me.

    Mitt Romney is doing well in New Hampshire and Iowa and is clearly the front-runner there. However, these are the only early states where he is polling well vis a vis Fred Thompson or Rudy Giuliani.


    Romney is educated and is a little too slick for the Flapster. And then there are the opportunitst flip-flops…….