Bill Clinton,  Hillary Clinton,  Michael Ramirez,  Norman Hsu

Michael Ramirez on Democrat Fundraiser Norman Hsu and the Clintons


A controversial Hillary Clinton fund-raiser surrendered to California authorities yesterday – 15 years after skipping out on a possible three-year jail term for a fraud conviction.

Businessman Norman Hsu was cuffed and bail was set at $2 million, with a judge turning down his request to cut the bail in half. He was released on bail five hours later.

The Clintons and the smell of dirty campaign money has returned (remember Bill Clinton’s pardon of Mark Rich?) and is tainting the Democrat Party.

All of the Democrats who received Hsu’s contributions are now scrambling to rid themselves of the money – from New Jersey’s Senators to New Mexico’s Governor and Presidential candidate Bill Richardson.

Fancy that……

Stay tuned as Hsu and the others are scrutinized for their ties to foreign interests.

And the Los Angeles Times asks how Hillary could not know about Hsu.

Gateway Pundit has an excellent round-up of the Hsu-nami that has hit Hillary and other Democrats:

Hillary’s donor case goes back to court next week

Michelle Malkin reports that the Justice Department is looking into Norman Hsu’s possible straw campaign donations as a result of the Wall Street Journal report.
