President 2008,  Ron Paul

Representative Ron Paul Called “Certifiably Insane” in GOP Debate Focus Group



Was it Ron Paul’s anti-Iraq War position or the fact he wants to abolish the Internal Revenue Service, United Nations, NATO and CIA?

Ok, Ron Paul fans, let Flap know in the comments.


Ron Paul Watch: Paul Places Campaign Solicitation on Neo-Nazi Hate Site

Ron Paul Watch: The November 5 Creep Show

Ron Paul Watch: Libertarians Rising?

Ron Paul Watch: The Donors

Ron Paul Watch: The Disciples or Internet Spammers?

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  • Johnnyb

    I guess that people are generally ignorant and more focussed on their daily lives to really invest the time to question whether or not any of these things should exist at all. No one likes the IRS, but for some reason people have com to think that the IRS is both lawful and necessary for the functioning of this nation. Same thing with the federal reserve. I thought that both of those things were necessary and legal too until I really started looking into the issue and discovered that they are neither necessary or legal. We functioned just fine for 120 years without either one of those organizations.

    The CIA has only been around for about 50 years or so, but most people think that its the role of the CIA to gather information about terrorist organizations and pervent terrorist attacks on this country, but its not the CIA that does these things its the NSA. What the CIA does is act as this countries saboteurs with little or no oversight from either congress or the executive branch. Mind you that Ron Paul made those comments about getting rid of the CIA shortly after Iran/Contra story broke, and learning that our government was importing cocaine illegally into this country to be sold by criminal drug dealers on the streets to fund a war in Central America was kind of shocking, and is still shocking.

    In the past the CIA did serve a legitimate function in helping to end the Cold War while preventing it from becoming a hot war, but we live in a different era now where the existence of the CIA has become detrimental to Global Political stability and undermines the self determination of other nations. While on the surface they would still seem necessary in the war on terrorism until you realize that the blow back that causes terrorism is caused in part because of CIA activities.

    Many conservatives have been for getting us out of the UN, even mainstream candidate John McCain has proposed creating something else to only include free nations. The thinking is that the UN is full of despots and undermines our nation soveriegnty. From the oil for food swindle to the IPCC nothing that comes out of the UN seems to be in the interest of the United States yet we continue to fund a disproportionate amount of their annual budget.

    Our NATO allies have for decades been free riders off the national security that we provide, yet openly despise us. Why should we provide for the national defense of most European Countries now that the Cold War is over? Why do we need bases in Germany, Italy, Japan and Korea? Why are we building permanent bases in the middle East right now when we know that thats one of the main reasons that they were pissed off when they attacked us on 9/11 and serves as a recruiting aid for terrorist organizations?

    I don’t know why common sense like that esposed by Dr. Ron Paul has been deemed to be “totally insane” but I guess when everyone in the World has gone mad a touch of sanity just sounds nuts.

  • Alexia for Ron Paul

    The guy is apparently a regular at freerepublic. He’s probably a war supporter. I refuse to give them my traffic to go read his posting history though.

  • Gregor Morrill

    I don’t know, or care. I don’t know that guy from Adam, and the comment’s pretty meaningless for a useful discussion. Might as well ask “Why did the neighbor kid call me a poo-poo head?”

  • Flap

    But, everyone there agreed and laughed at this guy. Doesn’t it bother you that Ron Paul is booed and called NUTS by GOP voters?

    Maybe he should switch positions to make him more electable. Isn’t that his goal?

    • Gregor Morrill

      No, I’m not bothered. Are you bothered when people call you baseless and meaningless names?

      I think his consistent principles are one of the best things he has going for him, so I would hope he wouldn’t change that.

  • brian


    Why are you devoting so many entries to Ron Paul? Do you think his followers should feel unwelcome in the Republican Party? Is he a threat? Normally people ignore non-threats.

  • Flap

    I am merely reporting and giving some sunshine to Ron Paul and some of his views. Some think he is a nut or insane.

    I think many of his followers are not Republicans and that is born out/supported in the numerous comments.

    Threat? With about $6 million to spend in New Hampshire on a negative GOP radio and television campaign, what do you think?

  • brian

    Who is he the biggest threat too of the current Republican front runners? It must be Rudy because if it was McCain, Romney, or Thompson you wouldn’t be as interested I think.

    So why is he a threat to Rudy?

  • Flap

    I would think the party as a whole in the general election.

    Ron Paul will be the TURD in the Punchbowl so to speak running negative ads against the rest of GOP field.

    Rudy may be helped in NH where he currently is slightly behind.

  • brian

    What other Republican members of the house or senate would you like to leave the party? Stevens? Vittier? Craig?

  • Flap

    Craig for sure because he was convicted of a crime.

    Vitter we have discussed and his transgressions were before he was elected to the Senate so it is between him and his constituents. He probably won’t run again so it is moot.

    Stevens I believe is still under investigation. But, isn’t he about due to retire anyway?

  • Wiseburn


    I’ve heard Paul speak several times. It’s not easy to convey Paul’s message
    in a series of unrelated 30 second responses to questions that are often inaccurate.
    His usual stump speech is around an hour.

    If someone takes the time to go to Youtube and listen to one of his stump speeches,
    or read his issues on his website, They will get a much better idea of where he stands
    and how he’s reached his decisions. They will see he has a great understanding of
    the issues that matter to conservatives and a plan to put this country back on track.

    Similarly, one can also take a look at all the legislation he puts forward.

    Since Paul says things the average newsbyte listener has never heard before, it’s not hard to have no idea what he’s talking about in 30 seconds when he has to first correct the question before he can give his answer.

    For those who’ve heard Paul speak, and are familiar with how strongly he keeps with his principles, we know there’s nobody else running who can shrink goverment and restore our freedoms.


  • Valerie

    Hi, Flap.

    I think somebody already determined that random guy was a “former” journalist named Doug Maher. Not very fair of Frank Luntz, IMO.

    I don’t know why you think Ron Paul’s ads will be anti-GOP in New Hampshire. They may be anti-war but I’ve listened to his first ad on his website and it doesn’t sound anti-GOP. You can hear it at

    They way Fred and Mitt and Rudy and John McCain were tearing each other apart last Sunday, I don’t think you need to worry about RP being negative. He will, along with Mike Huckabee. be able to sit back and let the ‘top-tier’ cannibalize themselves withouth ever getting his hands dirty.

    Your friend and Ron Paul supporter,

  • Mike

    Valerie I don’t think it matters that the guy is a former reporter. The key word is “former” so it really doesn’t matter what he does for a living now. If we found out that he was a current reporter and Luntz let him in the room, then we would have a problem. I don’t see what all of the hype is about with this guy’s opinion? It was a focus group and that is what they do all of the time. The Democrats have their focus groups where they hate on Bush for 2 hours and then we get to hear how much they love which ever talking head performed the best that night.

    Face it. The field of people running is sad on all sides.

    For what it’s worth I went over to FreeRepublic and mailed the guy. I informed him on the basics of the constitution and the rule of law and why Ron Paul makes a lot of sense to me. He wrote back a very civil response and said there was a lot more to the story and a lot more that was filmed that was never aired. Luntz apparently filmed 10 segments to air on different Fox News programs like Fox and Friends, Hannity and Colmes, and The Factor. He said his other comments were never shown on any of the other programs that showed he was really fighting with the Rudy voters and the direction the party has been going.

    I believe him. I might not agree with him but I have seen Fox News play favorite before and they certainly were pushing Rudy that night. I am going to say right now the country is as split as it was in November of 2000. Let’s hope the best man/woman whatever takes over and cleans up this mess we have.