President 2008

White Civil Rights Web Site Hearts Ron Paul’s Tonight Show Appearance


These White Nationalist web sites really do love Ron Paul now don’t they?

And, Ron Paul loves them by accepting their checks and making “WEAK” noise about their extreme racial positions.

Don Black and David Duke, Dr. Paul do you really want to be associated with these fellows?

Inquiring minds would like to know.

Stay tuned……..


Ron Paul Watch: Neo-Nazi Leader Don Black Donates to Ron Paul Campaign – The RESPONSE

Ron Paul Watch: Neo-Nazi Leader Don Black Donates to Ron Paul Campaign Part Two

Ron Paul Watch: Neo-Nazi Leader Don Black Donates to Ron Paul Campaign

Ron Paul Watch: The Red State Ban Part Two

Ron Paul Watch: The Red State Ban

Ron Paul Watch: Paul Campaign Solicitation on Neo-Nazi Hate Site – The FLAP Part Two

Representative Ron Paul Called “Certifiably Insane” in GOP Debate Focus Group

Ron Paul Watch: Paul Campaign Solicitation on Neo-Nazi Hate Site – The FLAP

Ron Paul Watch: The November 5 Creep Show

Ron Paul Watch: Libertarians Rising?

Ron Paul Watch: The Donors

Ron Paul Watch: The Disciples or Internet Spammers?

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  • Johnnyb

    I’m sorry, but could you please clear up the reason why we should be concerned that White Rights groups like Dr. Paul? I did not see anything racist in that post, and racism kinda goes against everything that Dr. Paul stands for, so why should anyone care if the truthers of white rights folks care about? Its not like those people have any real power or the money to buy white house influence, as if Dr. Paul Could be bought.

    I’m much more interested with the corporations, insurance companies and banking interests that are financing top tier candidates, than I am with a few kooky people donating to the only honest man running for President. How much has Goldman Sachs given to Rudy and Hillary? What about big Pharma? Really, who do you think has real power? White power geeks or CEOs that give themselves quarter billion dollar bonuses?

    Please explain why you think I should care, thanks you.

  • Flap

    Don’t know why YOU should care.

    But, obviously, you do or you and the other Paulites wouldn’t be posting: why should I care?

    It does bother me that Ron Paul won’t renounce anti-Semitic extremists though. It says something about his character, no?

  • Johnnyb

    I care about the fact that political debate has degenerated to such a degree that we are focussing on a few small time donors rather than the issues that are truly facing this country. People for some reason want to bash Ron Paul for his supporters rather than challenge his ideas, which I think only serves to slander a good man who has dedicated his life to service.

  • Flap

    Then I say again: Why not renounce these White supremacist folks, return their money and be done with it?

    Why is Ron Paul waiting?

    Please don’t tell me he doesn’t know by now.