• Media,  Media Bias,  Sarah Palin,  Washington Post

    Political Cartoons and the Double Standard at the Washington Post


    A summary display of the Mohammed cartoons that sparked riots last year throughout the Muslim world

    The Washington Post would not publish the Mohammed cartoons which sparked controversy and riots last year yet will allow this Pat Oliphant cartoon mocking Sarah Palin and Pentecostal Christian religions to be run on their website.


    Here is the HYPOCRITICAL explanation by the Washington Post, Ombudsman, Deborah Howell.

    Most complainers thought that the Oliphant cartoon appeared in print. It didn’t. I showed it to several Post editors. While it was clever in some ways, most editors — including me — would not have run it. The Post has a policy against defaming or perpetuating racial, religious or ethnic stereotypes. That was why The Post did not run the Danish cartoons about the prophet Muhammad.

    Is there any wonder why newspapers like the Washington Post are losing subscribers and are failing in the world marketplace of ideas? If the Post must have standards apply them equally.

    But, we all know this will NEVER happen. The Washington Post’s standards are just an excuse for censorship to perpetuate their left-wing bias.

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