Dentistry,  Morons

Censorship FLAP at Dental Town

It seems a bit unseemly to think that a group of dentists are sitting around their offices and homes glued to their PCs and posting porn and off-color jokes and stories to their fellow colleagues and suppliers.

However, this is exactly the case at Dental Town (free registration required, Password = occlusal).

This occurrence has created a FLAP of sorts with the DT dentists since an unknown Administrator of the site deleted the most offensive thread last night.

Check out the discussion here:

Here’s the story.
I spend much of Thursday going back and forth with e-mails with Howard Farran and Ken Scott about the offensive thread, getting their thoughts about it.
We agreed that it should continue and I had their PERMISSON and APPROVAL to delete a post that went over the line. By all means they did not want the thread deleted. Some moderators and administrators disagreed but the bottom line is that this place belongs to Howard Farran. That is why I wanted his input. If he told me that it should be deleted, I would have done it, no questions asked. He hasn’t said anything about changing his mind, and I suspect that he would have said something to me if he did..
Thus I can only conclude that some nameless, balless, sack of shit of a moderator or administrator, took it upon themselves to delete the thread, thinking that they are more important to Dentaltown than Howard Farran, and the feelings of the many that contributed to the thread.

Whoever you are, you are a disgrace to Dentaltown.

Have a nice night.

(yes I am pissed )

Take Care …Howard

Howard M. Goldstein D.M.D
Bethlehem, PA.

The discussion goes on for post after post.


This retired Vietnam vet , an author , and father of a dentist, Caribou, even has a humorous poem:


By Caribou (With apologies to R. Kipling)

You may talk o’ skin and porn
On the D-T ever’ morn
An’ you’re trying to think o’ somthin’ good to post
But when it comes to laughter
It ain’t porn and skin yore after
It’s sanc-ti-mony ‘ats funnier than most.

Now on DT stormy pages
It’s cens-or-ship what rages
And often tends to turn yore innards green
One guy sez it’s dirty
‘nuther sez it’s purty
Don’t seem to be no nothin’ twixt and tween.

It wuz, cut! – cut! -cut!
We can’t be havin’ all this cy-ber smut!
We know whut’s good fer you, us bleed’n censors do!
Fer Gawd’s sake hit the dele key all you nuts!

Now Howard he asks Howard,
He sez, “Howard, this is Howard.
What cons-tit-utes a post what’s called obscene?”
Howard, he sez, “You’s,
Are all old enough to choose
What pops up on yore own com-pu-ter screen”

This war, it won’t be through,
‘Til the Devil gets his due
And we will have or don’t have what’s called smut.
But until the arguin’s dun,
I’ll just be havin’ fun,
And post anuther, naked , obseen butt.

It wuz, cut! – cut! -cut!
We can’t be havin’ all this cy-ber smut!
We know whut’s good fer you, us bleed’n censors do!
Fer Gawd’s sake hit the dele key all you nuts!

An’ I’ll meet y’all later on
In that place where we have gone
Where it’s hotter than a post by Howard G.
I’ll be postin’ cyber jokes
Drinkin’ scotch and tokin’ coke
An’ DT will be just a mem-o-ry.

It wuz, cut! – cut! -cut!
We can’t be havin’ all this cy-ber smut!
We know whut’s good fer you, us bleed’n censors do!
Fer Gawd’s sake hit the dele key all you nuts!

It must be a slow day in the dental office.


  • Tim Adams

    Caribou is not a dentist. He is a retired vietnam vet , and an author , and his son is a dentist.

  • Old Blue

    > This retired Vietnam vet , an author , and father of a dentist, Caribou, even has a humorous poem:

    That's called keeping the high ground in a p*ssing contest. Serves them right, they need more like him over there. 8^D

  • Life is Queer

    They also deleted offensive posts that followed like:

    … it may have been intimidating for some female posters or newbies as many of these pictures were demeaning of women.

    Must censor that comment. Freedom of speech is dead at Dentaltown.

    Take it or leave it. Most will gladly still take it.

    Now for creative expression only. Complete fiction follows:

    Cut, cut, cut… no more cyber smut.

    Order, order, order, Stay within the border

    Forward thinking blunted, misfits are hunted

    Must hang onto… bimodal group skew

    Sure to keep cronies, speaking balony

    While peons buy things to earn their club wings

    Cut all from the scene, outside of each mean

    Then Keep the bimodal population in total

    What is cut or ignored will leave the big board

    To real life and family or other club fancy

    More power to them. Let freedom reign.