California,  Liberal Morons,  Morons,  Politics

Bill Lockyer and Steven Pearcy have Teamed UP

Come on, this is nutsoid.

The California Attorney General allows anti-American Military art to be hung in a State of California Office Building.

“Wonderful news! Beginning this Friday, July 15, 2005, at 3:30 pm, the Office of the Attorney General will exhibit my political display, “T’ANKS TO MR. BUSH.” My display will remain on exhibit in the Attorney General’s Office until August 31, 2005. A reception for the exhibition will take place from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm. All members of the public are welcome.”

Pearcy also has his “Effigy Art” hanging in the lobby of the Sacramento Public Law Offices at 813 6th Street in Sacramento. This ‘art’ display features Pearcy’s “Bush Lied, I Died” effigy of a US Soldier and a hangman’s noose.

Lockyer have you lost your mind?


HT: Eric Hogue