Dental Technology,  Dentistry

Dentistry Today: Fabulous Smiles

Check out this web-based cosmetic dentistry imaging service, Fabulous Smiles.

There are at least sixty-six proportional relationships on the human face that relate to the symmetry of the face and smile. Those ideal relationships, recognized and used by Euclid, Leonardo daVinci and Michelangelo are known as Golden Proportions. When these golden proportions are present the face appears to us as attractive, even beautiful.

The reality is that not everyone has golden proportions. The further each person’s facial proportions are from Golden the more difficult it is to design a smile and teeth that retain a sense of symmetry and harmony in the individual. Fabulous Smiles recognizes that one need not necessarily be “golden” to still be attractive, but that individual’s proportions are consistent within the face and smile.

By evaluating each person’s individual facial proportions and dimensions, it is possible to establish a Personal Aesthetic Ratio or PAR for each face. These measurements can be used to design anterior teeth that bring out the best features and harmony to the individual patient.

Each individual has a tooth shape, tooth size and most importantly the placement of those teeth that would best reflect their own personal proportions. This is the key to designing the best smile for each person. Fabulous Smiles does exactly that; evaluates the face, the proportions and the symmetry of each person and designs a smile that is best for them.

This service with its software is definitely worth a look. There are no large cash outlays for hardware or software and the learning curve is reasonable.

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