Illegal Immigration,  Politics

Illegal Immigration Watch: House Votes for Mexico WALL

AFP has US House votes to wall up Mexico border

The House of Representatives voted to build a wall along the US border with Mexico to stop illegal immigration.

The 260-159 voice vote on an amendment to a bill on illegal immigration “mandates the construction of specific security fencing, including lights and cameras, along the Southwest border for the purposes of gaining operational control of the border.

“Fencing has been designated in sectors that have the highest number of immigrant deaths, instances of drug smuggling and illegal border crossings,” because of the large number of would-be immigrants who die in the desert attempting to cross the US border.

Long overdue……

But, will the House-Senate conference committee delete or alter this provision out of the final bill.

Stay tuned……..

U.S. Border guards look out through the fence at the Mexican border in El Paso,Texas, November 29, 2005