Arnold Schwarzenegger,  California,  Criminals,  Election 2006,  Politics

Stanley “Tookie” Williams Executed: Revisionist Moonbat Calls for Rejecting Arnold’s Medieval Murder

Scoop Independent News of New Zealand has Wasserman: Rejecting Arnold’s Medieval Murder

Rejecting Arnold’s Medieval Murder

The medieval town in which Arnold Schwarzenegger grew up has rightly rejected his medieval murder of Stanley “Tookie” Williams.

The Terminator’s nickname has taken on a twisted new dimension. His Austrian home town is horrified, along with sane human beings throughout the rest of the world. Above all, this was a fascist killing.

Henry Wasserman
a certified Leftie Moonbat has it ALL WRONG.

Williams was a founder of the notorious Crips gang who reformed and worked ceaselessly to end violence. He renounced his past, wrote a children’s book and became a model citizen. Living a prison life in productive dignity, he came to embody precisely the kind of quiet integrity so distinctly lacking in those who put him to death.

In their Puritan eyes, Williams’ ultimate crime was not the murders he may or may not have committed—it was his refusal to confess to them.

Stanley Tookie Williams was a heinous murderer of four innocent victims. He was duly convicted in a court of law and had 24 years of legal appeals, including the California and United States Supreme Court. No court voted to overturn his conviction.

Tookie’s four victims were:


Please view Tookie’s handiwork with his shotgun:

Albert Owens

Ye-Chen Lin.

The irony becomes even deeper with the bitter rejection of Schwarzenegger’s hypocrisy by his Austrian hometown of Graz. Arnold has danced around a personal past heavily tainted with overt or covert Nazism. But Graz was undeniably in the fascist grip during World War 2.

Now Graz has set its sights in direct opposition, with official revulsion against a death penalty it (and most of the rest of the world) considers barbaric.

California voters in numerous elections have supported the death penalty. It is NOT barbaric.

Tookie Williams’ murder of four innocent victims is barbaric.

Your comparison of Schwarzenegger’s denial of clemency and the Salem Witch trials is a bastardization of history and there is NO comparison.

Five years ago the Graz City Council unanimously voted to deem itself Europe’s premier “city of human rights.” For many, Williams had become precisely the kind of citizen with whom Graz wanted to associate.

Flap doubts this – associate with a quadruple murderer who has shown NO remorse!

In protest against Schwarzenegger’s refusal to pardon Williams, a majority of the city council accepted a petition to rename the local 15,000-seat stadium which was named after Schwarzenegger in 1997. Before the petition could be formally approved, Schwarzenegger had his name removed.

“It was a clever step,” said one council member.

There have since been proposals to rename the stadium after the Crips, or after Hakoah, a Jewish sports club banned by Hitler after he annexed Austria in 1938.

But Schwarzenegger proclaims no remorse for Williams’s death. The ritual slaughter in California, Texas and Iraq continue as the rest of the world recoils in horror.

No one cares about the Graz sports stadium naming contgroversy or the honorary ring that Schwarzenegger returned.

The Governator owes NO REMORSE for Tookie’s death.

However, California voters CARE that a heinous murderer has been executed in retribution for the deaths of four innocent citizens.

Before you begin to rewrite history again on your “progressive” website and distribution to the “Moonbat press” read a few of the mainstream links below.



Arnold Schwarzenegger Watch: Hometown Terminates Schwarzenegger from Web Sites

Arnold Schwarzenegger Watch: Graz Removes Schwarzenegger’s Name from Stadium

Stanley “Tookie” Williams Executed: Shots Fired Outside Funeral

Stanley “Tookie” Williams Executed: Views from the Memorial Service/Funeral Part III

Stanley “Tookie” Williams Executed: Views from the Memorial Service/Funeral Part II

Stanley “Tookie” Williams Executed: Views from the Memorial Service/Funeral

Stanley “Tookie” Williams Executed: The Austrian Retribution – The Response

Stanley “Tookie” Williams Executed: Goodbye to a “Homeboy”

Stanley “Tookie” Williams Executed: The Austrian Retribution

Stanley “Tookie” Williams Executed: The Funeral

The Execution of Stanley Tookie Williams: Tookie Saves Lives?

The Tookie Files Collection

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