George W. Bush,  Liberal Morons,  Media

David Gregory Watch: President Bush – “You Can’t Pass the Background Check”

President Bush Zings and SMACKSDOWN NBC reporter David Gregory at an afternoon question session.

Expose The Left: Bush Zings Gregory: “You Can’t Pass The Background Check” (VIDEO)

GREGORY: But I ask you about your internal changes and what that says about how you think things need to be changed. They have been very public, your internal changes.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you for your penetrating question. Plus, I am not going to hire you, if that is what you’re suggesting.GREGORY:I was not suggesting that.PRESIDENT BUSH: I would, except you can’t pass the background check.[laughter]


Was the President referring to this DRUNKEN incident a few weeks ago?

You betcha……


David Gregory Watch: Don’t Be a Jerk To Me – I’m Drunk

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