Media,  Talk Radio,  Talk Radio

Wide Awakes Radio Watch: Stop The ACLU Radio

Stop The ACLU: Stop The ACLU Radio Show

If you haven’t heard yet, a huge line up of conservative bloggers will now be getting their own talk radio shows on Wide Awakes Radio.  The launch is on the 4th of July, and we will have our first show next Saturday from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. That will be a weekly show for the time being.

Wide Awakes Radio’s Main Website is here

Here you will find true conservative political discussion, not like that crap that comes out of D.C.

We have some of the hottest Right Thinking Political Bloggers, lined up and ready to explain why the Left sucks, why Bush is wrong on immigration and what we can do to make it all better.

We launch on July 4th at 6 A.M. Pacific and you can call us at 1-888-407-1776 (even our phone number drips Patriotism 4th of July, 1776!)

View the schedule of radio shows

Looks interesting……

Check it out.

Flap knows you will be glad you did.

H/T Expose The Left


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