Giuliani Notes,  President 2008,  Rudy Giuliani

Giuliani Notes: Iowa in Play?


Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca, Rudy Giuliani and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger at Los Angeles County Sheriff Heaquarters, Monterey Park, California, March 5, 2007. Photo by Flap.

AP: Giuliani plans trip to Iowa next month

Republican presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani is planning his first campaign trip to Iowa next month, a sign that he is considering competing in the early voting state where social conservatives dominate the GOP caucuses.

The Giuliani campaign said Tuesday that the former New York City mayor plans a few days of events in the state the week of April 2.

Obviously the Mayor’s pollsters have detected an opportunity. But, will the Mayor have enough “boots on the ground” to navigate the complicated GOP caucus?

Or why bother when California, New York, New Jersey, Florida and Illinois are in play on February 5?



The Rudy Giuliani Files

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