Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger Watch: Arnold to Michigan: Drop Dead!


The re-election campaign for Rep. Joe Knollenberg, R-Mich., paid for this billboard in Detroit to criticize California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who wants to combat global warming by requiring automakers to make more fuel efficient cars.

AP: Lawmaker blasts Schwarzenegger via billboard

Calif. governor wants Michigan to ‘drop dead’ over warming, he alleges

A Michigan congressman is defending the U.S. auto industry against fuel efficiency increases by criticizing a famous foe of global warming: California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Republican Rep. Joe Knollenberg’s re-election campaign placed a billboard along a busy interstate in metropolitan Detroit that reads, “Arnold to Michigan: Drop Dead!” It shows a grim-looking picture of the actor-turned-politician and draws attention to a Web site.

“Michigan and the Big Three are being unfairly bullied by politicians who have no understanding of auto manufacturing,” Knollenberg said Thursday in a statement announcing the billboard and Web site:

But, Congressman, Arnold is buying trees to offset his personal air travel pollution. The Governator is doing his part. Now Michigan must do theirs.


Stay tuned……



Arnold Schwarzenegger Watch: Pre Post-Partisanship Tapes

Arnold Schwarzenegger Watch: If It Looks Like a Duck…..

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One Comment

  • David

    Why in the world would I ever want to donate money to protect three corporations who have ruthlessly ignored the working class here in Detroit, firing and laying off thousands of workers, to help them continue to abuse the environment? Why should Detroit, or anyone for that matter pretend that the big three are victims here?