Fred Thompson,  Mitt Romney,  President 2008

Mitt Romney Watch: The Flap


The Anti-Fred Thompson web site is now down but will continue to give grief not to Thompson but Mitt Romney who has been implicated in its creation.

Check out the front page of the web site:


And if this is not enough to convince ANY voter that Romney is NOT right for the Presidency, then check out his other inconsistencies and oddities:

Flip on Abortion

Campaign finance reform

Flip on Gay Marriage

Lied about hunting

Scientology book one of his favorites

Poor Mitt’s Dog

Jay Garrity Trooper Flap

The Robert Lichfield FLAP

None of Mitt’s five adult sons had served in the military

Health Care 2.0 Flip Flop

Come on Mitt campaign on the issues and leave the “DIRTY TRICKS” alone. Will you be MAN enough to disavow these tactics and APOLOGIZE to Fred Thompson?

Flap is waiting.

H/T on the story to Soren.


Captain Ed agrees that Romney should apologize.

Update #2:

The Google Cache for the web site is here. 


A Romney Online Advantage?

Mitt Romney Watch: Romney Health Care 2.0 – Another FLIP for MITT

Mitt Romney Watch: Mitt FLIPS on Abortion AGAIN Part Two

Mitt Romney Watch: Mitt FLIPS on Abortion AGAIN

Mitt Romney Watch: Surrogate Hugh Hewitt Attacks Fred Thompson on Gay Marriage

Mitt Romney Watch: Romney HYPOCRITICAL on Illegal Immigration Sanctuary Cities Part Two

Mitt Romney Watch: Romney HYPOCRITICAL on Illegal Immigration Sanctuary Cities

Rudy Giuliani Watch: Rudy 38% Thompson 18% Romney 13% McCain 12% in Latest CBS GOP Poll

Mitt Romney Watch: Post Ames Mitt Takes Some Heat

Mitt Romney Watch: Faking It on Abortion

Rudy Giuliani Watch: Mitt Romney HYPOCRITICALLY Attacks Giuliani on Illegal Immigration

Mitt Romney Watch: Flipping on Immigration AGAIN

Mitt Romney Watch: Modulating on Immigration?

The Mitt Romney Posts

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  • nate

    Before you go into attack mode yourself you should consider that Romney and his campaign are not responsible for the site. It could have been a Romney supporter. Right now we just dont know who did it and/or who knew about it. So practice what you preach, dont smear Romney unless you know he was involved.

  • det

    Good Grief, folks, since when is satire considered “dirty politics”? In today’s rabidly partisan atmosphere, is all political commentary and discussion to be completely devoid of humor? Grow up!

  • Flap

    Satire, no it wasn’t.

    It was a “HIT” site which cast silly but pointed aspersions on Fred Thompson.

    If Romney wanted to do this at least he could have the “STONES” to take responsibility for it.

    Why did the Romney-bots take it down?

  • scott ballard

    If fred is such a sissy that he needs an apology for this, I doubt he has the stones to be CInC. I mean really, fullosseos, why the hissy fit? Romney’s taking on the chin for putting his dog in a carrier? Fred ever have a dog in the back of his red pickup? What’s the diff? Romney’s sons didn’t serve? Did you? Did Fred? Consider this-all those hit pieces on Romney’s past accomplishments reveal the stark difference between the candidates-ROMNEY HAS ACCOMPLISHMENTS, FRED DOESN’T. List One thing fred accomplished- he failed to get anything to stick on the Clintons in his investigations and I’m tired of rebublicans who don’t deliver.

  • Flap

    Since Romney will not apologize he is inviting more inquiries into this flap.

    Mitt can make all the comparisons he wants to Thompson but he should have the “STONES” to own up to the attacks.

    Did I serve?

    Yup CO, United States Public Health Service.

    Did Fred? Don’t think so but don’t know. Did Mitt? Nope. Did Mitt’s sons? Nope

    I agree about Mitt’s and Fred’s accomplishments and that is why I support Rudy.

    • scottballard

      Thanks for serving. My point is that if fred (or fredheads)think this site deserves an apology, he doesn’t have the stones to run for, let alone be, CInC. What was so offensive- fred chased skirts? He was a lobbyist? He had a Hollywood lifestyle? Is he embarrased about it? If so, why? What drives me nuts is the fredheads who pretend fred is like them- he’s not. He’s an actor/lobbyist/senator. He’s married to someone 25 years his junior. I believe the reason most fredheads support fred is that he’s not mormon. Let’s be honest- Mitt’s changed on abortion- so’s fred, guiliani and reagan. What else do they have against him? no one comes up with anything more substantive than “He put his dog on his roof”, “his sons didn’t serve” or “he’s too good”. These are supposed to be serious arguements? When our country is at war? What they really are is a thin veneer over bigotry. At least the left admits they don’t like him because of his religion. The dopes on the right come up with lame excuses and candidates like fred. If you can come up with sibstantive reasons against Romney, I’m all ears.

      • Flap


        I have quite a few posts on why I prefer the Mayor over Mitt Romney.

        Policy, accomplishment and experience for me pretty much sums it up.

  • Joachim

    I saw the story on PhoneyFred yesterday. Interesting
    how the mud is flying already. Just wondered if you’d
    seen this in Big Head Dc:
    I’d also note that before the Washington Post nailed
    Romney for the PhoneyFred site, the Thompson blog’s
    first suspect was Giuliani and his newly hired
    consultant, Scott Howell:
    Can’t help but wonder if they found the right culprit, but wrong prank.

  • CMartel2

    What? Mitt Romney has countless sites attacking him on the net, many put up by Fred Thompson supporters. He hasn’t said a word about them. But Fred Thompson can’t make it a week into his campaign before he starts squealing like a stuck pig over a satire site?

    Really now, what did the man think he was getting himself into when he put on that ridiculous wig and paraded around in it? The man deserves to be parodied for that alone.

    It amuses me to see these Thompson supporters parading around as if he’s the real man because he “eats a chili dog.” Meanwhile, someone tugs on his ponytails and he’s on the ground screaming bloody murder.

    Do you think Romney, Duncan Hunter, or Tom Tancredo would be pulling this feigned insult? Yeah, right.