Fred Thompson,  James Dobson

Fred Thompson Watch: Not Going to Dance With James Dobson


Fred Thompson Has No Desire to Talk With James Dobson

So, now Fred is fighting with the Evangelical Right as has John McCain and Rudy previously.

Is James Dobson being cast out from GOP Presidential politics? Is Dobson IRRELEVANT?


Flap KNOWS all Evangelical Christian voters will NOT abandon the GOP to either vote for Hillary, vote for a third party candidate or stay home.

But, on the other hand, enough of these voters may very well abandon the GOP for a third pary. 

And, then what?

THIS dust-up certainly does not help Fred Thompson.

Who is left?

giuliani thompson

Republican presidential hopeful Fred Thompson concludes a short news conference in a hanger at Love Field in Dallas, Texas, Thursday, Sept. 20, 2007. Thompson says he doesn’t need the support of influential evangelical Christian leader James Dobson to win over conservative voters. Dobson accuses the former Tennessee senator as being a weak conservative with ‘no passion’ in a private e-mail obtained this week by The Associated Press.


George Will Asks Why the Thompson Candidacy is Necessary

Fred Thompson Watch: NO to Ice Cream And NO to Huckabee Debate

Mitt Romney Watch: The Flap

Fred Thompson Wants “Due Process” for Osama Bin Laden

Fred Thompson Watch: NO to Ice Cream But YES to Huckabee Debate?

Fred Thompson’s Past Support for Campaign Finance Reform Scrutinized

Fred Thompson Watch: Jim Mills Quote of the Day

Fred Thompson Watch: ANOTHER Campaign Aide OUT

Fred Thompson Scores “Direct Hit on Romney”

Fred Thompson Watch: Thompson to Announce September 6 – Ducks GOP Debate

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