President 2008,  Ron Paul

Ron Paul Watch: Money Where Their Mouth Is


The Ron Paul campaign started the day around $2.77 million and looks like they will raise greater than $3 million FOR THE DAY. This is no small chunk of campaign change.

Flap wonders if ANY of the GOP frontrunners will try to emulate this success?

You have to give the Romulans credit here. They have a motivated base who open up their wallets.


Ron Paul Watch: Stumps for The November 5 Creep Show

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  • Duane Johnson

    Does ‘Romulan’ refer to Republicans in general, or to Ron Paul supporters specifically? Because if the former, I think you may be surprised to find out that Ron Paul’s supporters don’t really fit the “Romulan” mold. Rather, many are disenfranchised democrats and independents. Indeed, his campaign is tapping in to the old Republican guard that still stands for small government principles, not just small government rhetoric. People are fed up with the whitehouse AND the congress.

    Take me for example–I’m a permanent resident of the US and can’t even vote! But I believe in Ron Paul’s message, and I support the messenger. Peace, prosperity and freedom.

    Best regards,

  • Joshua

    I am a liberal Ron Paul supporter who just donated $150. What is a romulan a star trek reference? I prefer to think of myself as a caring, peaceful antifascist thank you very much.

  • Dave

    Will be hard for the other campaigns to emulate. This was organized entirely outside the campaign, a volunteer effort. The campaign didn’t even send out an e-mail to their supporter list about it.

    That’s grass roots for ya.

    • Flap

      Mitt Romney had something similar when he first announced.

      I think the Mormon community will do something like this. The others too.

  • Frank

    I have no problem with your “Romulan” remark, Con-tard. I’d love to find out who you plan to vote for and why. What has the Council on Foreign Relations done for you lately?