Fred Thompson,  President 2008

Fred Thompson Watch: Self-Doubt in Becoming President


Fred’s not serious, is he?

Trying to encourage his studio to hurry up so an interview could start, Carl Cameron of Fox News said into his microphone: “The next president of the United States has a schedule to keep.” Standing beside him, a deadpan Mr Thompson interjected: “And so do I.”

As some Thompson aides looked bemused and others cringed, a taken-aback Mr Cameron, Fox’s chief political correspondent, exclaimed: “You can’t do that kind of stuff!”

The self-deprecating quip said much about the former Tennessee senator’s candidacy.

NO FIRE IN THE BELLY to become President and he is plummeting in the polls.

Will McCain outlast Fred?


Fred Thompson Watch: The Great Communicator?

Fred Thompson Watch: SNL Skit Highlights Thompson Foibles

Fred Thompson Watch: Not Going to Dance With James Dobson

George Will Asks Why the Thompson Candidacy is Necessary

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  • Flap


    I don’t think Fred has the energy, drive and really is just going through the motions. He looks tired most of the time.

    As you know, I have seen Rudy a number of times “live” and am impressed with his vigor and energy. Maybe he has Red Bull in his car but he always seems charged up and enjoying himself while on the stump.

  • Gregor Morrill

    I laughed quite a bit when I first saw that video; never a good sign when you have to request a round of applause. Maybe he just needs script writers and a good director to be interesting. 🙂