President 2008,  Rudy Giuliani

Giuliani Florida Poll Watch: Rudy Leads Romney by 17 Points While Thompson Collapses

Republican presidential hopeful former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani greets supporters at a coffee shop in Loveland, Colo., Saturday, Nov. 10, 2007.

The St. Petersburg Times Poll:

  • Rudy – 34%
  • Romney – 19%
  • McCain – 12%
  • Thompson – 8%

The big news out of this Florida poll is the collapse of Fred Thompson. Florida was to be the battleground between Rudy and Thompson.

Now, will it be the battleground between Rudy and Romney?

Mitt Romney has been “on air” with television commercials and is polling even with Rudy in Central Florida. Whereas, Giuliani continues with a large lead in South Florida.

The November 7 Survey USA Florida poll had Thompson polling at 22% with Romney at 17%. Rudy maintained 34% support.

So, the question is whether this poll is an OUTLIER or has indeed the Thompson campaign collapsed in Florida and in turn given Mitt Romney an opening.

Stay tuned…..


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