President 2008,  Rudy Giuliani

Rudy Giuliani Watch: On To Florida for the Iowa Caucus

Republican presidential candidate and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani speaks with a retired Army veteran after speaking at a Town Hall Meeting at the Plymouth Regional Senior Center in Plymouth, New Hampshire December 30, 2007.

After an event tomorrow morning in New Hampshire, Rudy Giuliani is off to Florida while the votes are being counted at the Iowa Caucus.
Yeah, Rudy blew off Iowa – well sort of and Iowa Senator Grassley said Rudy made a mistake.

Guess we will see on January 29th.


  • Dennis

    There is a Gallup Poll floating around ( I saw cited on the bolg Race42008) which claims that 61% of republicans say that Rudy is in serious trouble if he loses Iowa and New Hampshire.

    There is a concept in psychology known as herd mentality in which the masses follow the leader. This whole thing makes me worry.

    Rudy advisors will turn out to be geniuses or known for making a very costly mistake.

    Your thoughts?

  • Flap


    The Giuliani campaign has the correct strategy and Rudy has sufficient resources to compete through February 5th.

    The Romney-bots over at Race42008 (go look at their site meter – 40% of their visitors have ip addresses from Utah) are praying tonight for a Romney win in Iowa tomorrow.

    If Romney loses he is done. McCain will win New Hampshire and Michigan. Huckabee will be competitive in South Carolina if McCain does not go negative on him and then he is done.

    Then, it is one on one with McCain.

    Who do you think wins that race?

  • Dennis

    Thanks. I will have to learn to disregard the pundits and others who keep questioning Rudy’s strategy. In some instances, it appears that the press wants to prove Rudy wrong becuase he is telling them this primary season is a whole new ball game and the press wants to play the Iowa-New Hampshire game.

  • Flap


    Time will tell but the Mayor has major campaign organizations in the February 5th states.

    Did you know that Iowa is NOT even selecting its 40 delegates tomorrow night?

    New Hampshire is home field for McCain (since he won there in 2000 and independents can vote in the GOP primary) and Romney (has a vacation home there and was governor of the adjacent state.

    Michigan is an open primary where Democrats can vote for GOP candidates and will since the Democrat ballot has only one candidate on it. And, Romney’s father was Governor of Michigan.

    Nevada is a caucus state where its delegates will be selected at a later date.

    The first real race will be in South Carolina (proportional delegate selection) and Florida (which is winner take all and where Rudy has been extensively campaigning).

    Giuliani supporters must be patient. February 5 will be here soon enough.