John McCain,  Mike Huckabee,  Mitt Romney,  President 2008,  Ron Paul,  Rudy Giuliani

The New Hampshire GOP Debate at Saint Anselm College

Republican presidential candidates former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (L) and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani talk during a break in their Republican candidates debate at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire January 5, 2008.

Kudos: ABC for a better format but the debate was on a tape delay basis on the West Coast. Many folks did not view it live.

Best Quote: Rudy Giuliani’s quip on Ronald Reagan showing up in a Romney attack ad about illegal immigration. If the Gipper were still around, “he’d  be in one of Mitt’s negative commercials.”
The Winners:

  • Rudy Giuliani – best on clear policy initiatives. There is definite substance behind his rhetoric. His comments about humane treatment of immigrants and will play well in their communities. All around he is the best informed and the most Presidential. His lecture to Ron Paul on terrorism was classic.
  • John McCain – got an “easy” pass. Held his own but not a noteworthy performance. McCain’s quip about change vis a vis Romney was a “cheap” shot. McCain looked older and pale tonight.

The Losers:

  • Mitt Romney – lost in exchanges with Huckabee and McCain. Looked wonkish and like a “RICH” businessman. Romney did not break through and help himself beat McCain. Mitt continues to look plastic and mechanical in his responses. Everyone ganged up on Mitt tonight, knowing if he loses to McCain big he is dead in the water.
  • Mike Huckabee – Did not parlay any excitement from Iowa into tonight’s performance. Fight with Romney did not help him. Huck speaks with flowing generalities but where is the beef? Got caught in a flip-flop on the Iraq War surge – this may come back to hurt him.
  • Fred Thompson – Who? No energy and thoughtless answers.


  • Dennis

    Since I am in California, I will catch the debate later this evening. However, from other blogs, I understand that Romney stated tonight that he never proposed a time frame for the withdrawl of troops from Iraq. Unfortunately for the serial liar,he told ABC News in April that if President, he would have such a timetable.

    McCain should ram this down the throat of Mr. Multiple Choice.

  • Flap

    I watched the debate on the WMUR site online.

    Mitt Romney will have to go on the attack tomorrow night against McCain. I predict fireworks.

    Huckabee will have to take some energy pills and they will have to let Fred take his nap.

  • Dennis


    For what’s its worth, Rudy’s California headquarters is helping out by calling New Hampshire voters. From reports I have, McCain and Rudy are doing very well. Not the case for Romney.

    I may make calls Sunday. If I do, I will report back to you.

  • Flap

    Rudy did well in the debates tonight. Romney is in deep trouble and will get nasty I bet in the debate tomorrow night.

    He needs to mortally wound McCain.

    Will Huckabee help knock out Romney?

    Please keep me informed about your progress.

  • Ling

    If Romney loses this one, he’s going to be in big trouble and he’s going to lash out with negative ads and rumors. Both Huckabee and McCain are probably going to have a tough time between NH and South Carolina, battling Romney’s ads.