Barack Obama,  Jeremiah Wright,  President 2008

Barack Obama Watch: The Jeremiah Wright Credibility Problem


2008 Democratic Presidential Nominee contender Senator Barack Obama makes an appearance on Hannity and Colmes on the Fox News network to discuss his mentor and pastor of 20 years Jeremiah Wright and the controversial statements which he has made from the pulpit for so many years.

Listen to Barack Obama above and read his MEA CULPA piece over at the Huffington Post and explain to Flap how Obama retains any credibility – not to mention whether he has used good judgment.

The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s pastor for the last 20 years at the Trinity United Church of Christ on Chicago’s south side.

Obama is asking voters to believe that he attended a church where Jeremiah Wright was the Pastor for ove twenty years and was NOT aware of his anti-American and anti-White statements and rants.

If it were true that Obama never knew that Wright was making highly objectionable comments until the start of the presidential campaign, and if Obama denounced the comments at that time, then I think he would have a good defense, i.e., he belonged to the church for years without knowing Wright’s anti-American, anti-white, and generally crazy views, and by the time he learned about them Wright was on the way out, so it made little sense to quit the church – denouncing the statements was enough.

Note, however, that Obama doesn’t say he didn’t know Wright was making highly objectionable comments, only that he never personally heard “the statements. . .that are the cause of this controversy.” It’s plausible that Obama might not have heard (or gotten wind of) the several sermons that have been the focus of this controversy. It’s less plausible that, over a 20-year period, Obama was oblivious to the strong anti-white, anti-American views of Wright. (emphasis Flap’s)

Also, I’d like to see the statements Obama allegedly made denouncing Wright’s comments once he says he learned of them. The statements by Obama that I’m aware of characterized Wright’s comments as merely “provocative” (that, according to ABC News, was Obama’s reaction to Wright’s statement that the U.S. had 9/11 coming) and the kinds of things an eccentric uncle might say. That’s far from a denunciation. In fact, ABC News quoted Obama as saying, “I don’t think my church is actually particularly controversial.” That’s even further from a denunciation. And we also know that Obama placed Wright on a special committee of religious leaders supporting his candidacy after Obama became aware of at least one of Wright’s statements in issue.

FInally, Obama to my knowledge hasn’t denied he knew that Wright had honored Louis Farrakhan. Knowing that one fact should have caused Obama to look elsewhere for a spiritual leader, assuming he is strongly opposed to what Farrakhan stands for.

This is NOT believable.

Either Obama is blatantly LYING or is DISINGENUOUS.

Michelle Malkin calls Obama a “TYPICAL POLITICIAN.”

Wow. You could see Glowbama’s halo flickering. He looked and sounded nervous, shifty, and truth-challenged as he tried to have it both ways with Jeremiah Wright (whom he continued to praise as a “Biblical scholar” and “well-regarded” even as he paid lip service to disavowing him and denied eeeever hearing Wright’s vitriol).

Indeed, Obama looked and spoke ill-at-ease. Flap twittered such at the time and his impressions of Obama were not kind.

Obama has lost all of his credibility in this flap. Put a fork in him – He’s done. The Democrat Super Delegates will vote for Hillary.

Barack Obama and Rev. Jeremiah Wright


Barack Obama Watch: The Tony Rezko Problem; Update: Obama Strains His Credibility

Barack Obama Watch: Is Jeremiah Wright a “Death Blow” to Obama?

Barack Obama Watch: Disagrees With “God Damn America” Statement of Jeremiah Wright

Barack Obama Watch: The Sounding Board – Jeremiah Wright

Barack Obama Watch: The Jeremiah Wright Problem


  • Pedro

    Hillary and Bill Clinton have made a significant issue about how the press is treating Hillary unfairly in their hyper-critical reporting on her and their “softball” reporting on Barack Obama. Hillary maintains she has been fully investigated by the media and Barak hasn’t!

    As the Tony Rezko trial begins in Chicago, Clinton and her surrogates are linking Obama to Rezko and the media is speculating about whether Obama will be called to testify as a witness in the case. Obama has always admitted he received $85,000 in contributions from Rezko which Obama has now donated to charity rather than keep.

    Yet the civil fraud trial of Bill Clinton for defrauduing Hillary’s largest donor in 2000 into giving her campaign more than $1.2 million, pending in Los Angeles courts since 2003, is now preparing for a November, 2008 trial. The discovery that is now proceeding after a February 21 hearing, and the pending trial, have NEVER been announced by the mainstream media.

    Hillary was able to extricate herself as a co-defendant in the case in January, 2008 after years of appeals to be protected by the First Amendment from tort claims arising out of federal campaign solicitations she made. Her abuse of the intent of California’s anti-SLAPP law after the California Supreme Court refused to dismiss her from the case in 2004 is emblematic of her contempt for the Rule of Law.

    Hillary will be called as a witness in both discovery and the trial according to the trial court Judge who so-advised Hillary’s attorney David Kendall when he dismissed Hillary as a co-defendant in 2007. A subpoena is being prepared this month and will be served personally on Hillary, along with Chelsea, Pa Gov. Ed Rendell, Al Gore and other well known political and media figures.

    Yet the media has refused to report about this landmark civil fraud case- brought by Hillary’s biggest 2000 donor to her Senate race, regarding allegations that were corroborated by the Department of Justice in the criminal trial of Hillary’s finance director David Rosen in May, 2005. That indictment and trial was credited as resulting from the civil suit’s allegations by Peter Paul, the Hollywood dot com millionaire Bill Clinton convinced to donate more than $1.2 million (according to the DOJ prosecutors and the FBI) to Hillary’s Senate campaign as part of a post White House business deal with Bill.

    The media – except for World Net Daily- has also suspiciously refused to report on Hillary’s last FEC report regarding her 2000 Senate campaign, filed in January 30, 2006. In a secret settlement of an FEC complaint by the plaintiff in Paul v Clinton, Peter Paul, the FEC fined Hillary’s campaign $35,000 for hiding more than $720,000 in donations from Paul, and it required Hillary’s campaign to file a 4th amended FEC report.

    In that report Hillary and her campaign again hid Paul’s $1.2 million contribution to her campaign and falsely attributed $250,000 as being donated by Paul’s partner, Spider Man creator Stan Lee, who swore in a video taped deposition he never gave Hillary or her campaign any money.

    Lee did testify to trading $100,000 checks with Paul to make it appear he gave $100,000 to Hillary’s campaign (admission of a felony) but none of that has been reported by the “overly critical” media!

    Where is the outrage from Obama that the press is engaging in a double standard relating to his possible role in the Rezko trial and his refunding the $85,000 contributed to his campaign by Rezko- which Obama has always admitted taking. The media makes no mention of Hillary’s role as a witness in Bill’s fraud trial for defrauding Hillary’s largest donor- and Hillary’s refusal to refund the $1.2 million she illegally received from Paul, which she has denied taking from Paul ever since the Washington Post asked her about Paul and his felony convictions from the 1970’s before her first Senate election in 2000?

    Let the truth be told, see the video of Hillary commiting crimes at

    And to those that like to get brainwashed by the media, like CNN (Clinton News Network) lets be real. We know churches are not 20 years talking about the same thing, the media gathered up those few clips. Do I think the pastor is a bit racist, there’s no doubt about it. But to link Obama with the Pastor, No. First of all, people are forgetting (Maybe because of his color) that OBAMA is WHITE and BLACK! As much as people want to make Obama un-American…. he is not. Youtube videos showing him not Pledge to the flag? First of all he and the audience were the only smart people that knew the national anthem is not the pledge of allegiance, plus was the only one singing it when Clinton and the others didn’t even know the song. I friend of mines I knew for 23 years murdered two people, I hate him for doing such stupidity, but he was part of the family, and I see him like twice every year. But that doesn’t make me a murderer. It didn’t make my wife switch her mind on being with me, that because I’m my own person. People should pay attention to what Obama says and not his pastor, so as much as you want to make it look like Obama is un-American. That is such a Clinton!!! in other words such a LIE! I mean just look at her latest lie about her experience with Children health care, BUSTED!!! The Clinton were forced by the real people in SCHIP and they weren’t ready, and now they are taking all the credit that they created it.


  • Paul V

    I Voted For Hilary Clinton
    But camparing Jeremiah Wright to John McCain Minister ,,You
    Can not compare,,, John McCain,, the minister he know just gave him Money,,he does not Go to his church,,, He did not Baptise john McCain kids,,, he is not on John McCain Campaign,, Just gave John McCain money,,, to compare him with Jeremiah Wright is something the Media, and the Obama Camapaign,, doing,,Barack Obama Has a Racist man who worked on his Campaign,, Jeremiah Wright, ,, who helped Barack with the title of his book,,, who baptise his kids, Barack Obama Miinister, gave Louis Farrahkan life time achievement award, ,,, Barack Obama who went to this Racist mans church,,, for 20 years,

    Whats even sad is Barack Obama, followers don’t even Care, He can run over a person right now ,,, and people will still follow him,,, but one thing is for certain Barack no matter what, just lost this election,,, even if he wins the primary,,, from Hilary,,, Barack can not win a big state, Hilary followers will not back Barack Obama,,, just like if Hilary wins the primary,,, Barack Obama followers will not back Hilary ,,,,,
    Obama is definitely Muslim, but he is a closet Racist, who employed a racist,, of all Racist, ,,,,, he is done
    Watch Obama weblink…%20

  • D Jacobs

    Barack in my opinion is not telling the truth about J. Wright who he has known for 20 years. This is the biggest racial divide I have witnessed in years. He is all about words and do no think he is electable.

  • Flammy

    The Rev Wright’s comments here are mostly taken out of context so it’s a little unfair to comment on everything.
    However the things he is saying are true. These statements are then said to be anti-American. That’s propaganda in itself.

    The Rev seems to be anti-Bush. When he says God Damn America he’s obviously not referring to Americans. He’s saying that we are damned for the bad things that our American presidential administrations are guilty of. And they are guilty of a great many horrendous acts of violence. This is a statement of fact. He “outs” our perpetual backing against the Palestinians and our violent acts against Iraqis and other Muslim groups. Do Americans know why Al Queda has a vendetta against us? If they knew the truth they would understand Rev Wrights comments. We have enemies for a reason and we all (blacks and whites) are culpable for not taking action to stop them.

    Unfortunately the Rev is using these facts to incite a racial divide. This is unfortunate since blacks are not the only marginalized group in America. I think the Rev has to look at the poor and uneducated to see the true origin of these inequalities. Blacks who are rich and educated obviously will fare much better in America. Blacks need to address education if they (as a group) want to narrow the racial divide in this country since the truth is that most white Americans don’t have an agenda to keep Black people “down”.
    Most white americans are also struggling to educate themselves so that they can have their own piece of the pie. In that regard we are all in the same boat. Bill Cosby has a fair assessment of the situation but most Black Americans don’t like to hear him speak the truth.

  • fred tam

    “The Rev Wright’s comments here are mostly taken out of context so it’s a little unfair to comment on everything.”

    nonsense, you can’t wiggle out of this one with a context move. he gave awards to lewis farrakhan, a known racist antisemite. he heaped unrestrained praise upon the man calling the bigot a honest and respected man. that means either he is rather amoral or has sympathies with the mans views. you don’t give awards to the kkk leader unless you are a toadie yourself. a normal person wouldn’t give that kind of person the time of day.

    that obama supporters are even considering about being apologists for obama is frankly racist. apply your supposedly high standards to yourself. because obama apologists seems to apply them selectively. obama lied to our faces about this. its just unbelieveable that he didn’tknow for 20 years. either he is totally lacking in judgement, or he is amoral or a coward, or he is secretly hiding his views. he choose to act this way before he knew people were watching him. it is an insight into his character. and now we know he can lie straight to our faces. he is unqualified to be in government at any level.

  • Elizabeth

    Barack Obama has lost ALL Credibility!!! He stutters in his attempts to ‘explain’ the completely unacceptable!