Barack Obama,  Father Michael Pfleger,  Hillary Clinton

Father Michael Pfleger Returns to St. Sabina


Father Michael Pfleger returns to St. Sabina

He’s back after a two week suspension by Chicago’s Cardinal Francis George.

At St. Sabina on Sunday, ushers distributed fliers with a silhouette of boxing great Muhammad Ali that said: “Ain’t nothing like a comeback.”

When Pfleger entered the church, the congregation rose to their feet and cheered.

Later during his sermon, Pfleger spoke about his two-week suspension as a test of faith.

“You will fall. I will fall. And even though we fall, we can get back up again,” he said. “Stumbles will shake you. Stumbles will also purify you. They will cause you to ask yourself what really matters.

Flap knows that this character will be a gift that keeps on giving to John McCain and the GOP because Barack Obama and Howard Dean cannot hide him away like Jeremiah Wright.

One more time – Pfleger’s anti-white rant against Hillary Clinton: