John McCain,  President 2008,  Rudy Giuliani

Rudy Giuliani Watch: Still a Better Choice for President than John McCain


Rudy Giuliani campaigning for President in Santa Barbara, California September 2007

Former New York Mayor and GOP Presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani while speaking as a John McCain “SURROGATE” on CNN yesterday let it slip that he still thinks HE is the best choice to be President.

When asked by interviewer John Roberts whether he thought he was better qualified than McCain to run the country, Giuliani said, “I thought I was best-qualified to be president.” (The video is here, and this exchange comes around the 3:12 mark).

Rudy had his chance and could have made this EXACT point while running against John McCain in New Hampshire, but he didn’t. Giuliani declined to run tough contrast ads and paid the price in a disastrous, failed campaign.

You gotta want it, Rudy, when it presents itself.

Flap doubts Team McCain will be calling on Giuliani in the near future for more surrogate work.

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  • Flap


    Rudy had a commanding lead in the polls a year ago and McCain was down for the count. Giuliani did not finish him off and refused to run negative contrast ads against McCain.

    McCain came back and beat Rudy handily.

    Now, Rudy says he is still the best choice.

    Giuliani had his chance and blew it.

  • Anonymous

    Rudy should have won going away. It turned out that he had the wrong strategy. He should have gone full blast in New Hampshire which was a state that was made for him. A win in New Hampshire would have propelled him to victory in the primaries.

    By the way Flap, I assume you are not questioning the fact that Rudy is more qualified than McCain? With your recent support for Romeny ( the political fraud ) I just have to ask the question.

  • Flap


    Rudy could have beaten McCain if he had been left to be Rudy and not a softened version of a caricature. He could have dealt a death blow to Romney in New Hampshire even if he did not beat McCain. He just would NOT go negative.

    You have to want to win and apparently he did not want it enough.

    Is Rudy more qualified than McCain? You bet. He has much more executive experience and legal training.

    I have endorsed Sarah Palin for Vice President and not Romney. But, have made some arguments as to why McCain may choose him.

    But, with Team McCain now revamping under the leadership of Steve Schmidt, Palin may have a leg up. (Sorry about the pun, Governor)

  • Dennis


    Sorry about the Anonymous label. You are probably right about how Rudy campaigned for the nomination. Friends in New York tell me that the contrast between candidate Rudy for Mayor and candidate Rudy for President was like night and day. When Rudy ran for Mayor he was relentless and took no prisoners.

    I don’t know if the change in Rudy as a candidate this time around was the result of advice from his advisors or came from Rudy internally. However, after viewing your posted CNN interview, it is obvious Rudy’s substantial ego is still in place.

    All I can say is that when Rudy is on his game, no one can touch him when it comes to knowledge, rhetorical skill, demonstrated leadership and confidence.

    What a shame and a waste of talented leadership that he is not our nominee.

  • Flap

    Well, I hope Rudy reads this blog and the comments from Patrick Ruffini and Katie Harbath who both once worked for him.

    Let Rudy be Rudy and run for Governor of New York and make a comeback. Get rid of that Kerik and ex-wife crap and move on.