
links for 2008-08-03 []


  • Dennis

    Today’s VP Watch:

    McCain is looking serioulsly at Virginia congressman Eric Cantor whom I actually like. He is young and tough on government spending and could help in Virginia which is tredning deomcrat.

    Of course the VP talk changes from day – to – day.


  • Aaron

    Dennis, why do you hate Romney so much? Every politician has flip flopped mre than he has, including Smuckabee. Even worse, as i’m sure you will agree with me, they’ve all been extremely dishonest. Remember Smuckabee and McCain knowingly lying and saying Romney believed in timetables. The two Baptist and the supposed great Pastor Preacher. This says alot about what kind of person you are. One your easily decieved and influenced. Two Romney is the most likable, most honest, best looking, including Pesidential, he acts like a President and has the best resume by far. Plus, he can help in most of the key states, ecspecially Michigan. You seem absolutely incapable of reason ande goodness. You need to get over your hatred for Romney, cause I can gaurantee he’s gonna shock ya.

  • Aaron

    Are’nt some of you supposed to be upset at this Cantor deal. He’s not Christian! whoooooooooo. Not that I care, I’m not a religious bigot. However this is a message from McCain. BACK OFFF RELIGIOUS RIGHT< ILL PICK WHO I WANT.

  • Dennis

    I detest Romney because of the number of his flipps on major issues. When he ran for governor, he painted himself as a moderate who, among other thngs, was pro-choice; anti-gun; anti-Reagan; for a broad immigration policy; and pro- gay rights.

    I am a moderate myself, but I have no respect for someone like Romney who is so obvioulsy without any core political principles other than to say and do any thing to win a partciular office. I am hardly alone. I would suggest you refresh your memory about the comments made by McCain himself about Romney’s convenient change of positions made during the primary race.

    In additon, Romney simply does not connect with most americans. In short, he comes across as the phony that he is.
    If he is on the ticket, he will turn off independents, moderate republicans and Reagan democrats, who are the voters McCain must win over to take the White House.

  • Aaron

    Romney does not turn off americans, other than those unameriacan religious bigots. That was Smuckabee Rudy Gulliani that turned off most americans. Romney is very liked and sadly you are obviously so gullible, you’ve been decieved by the media, as well as Romneys enemies, concerning his record. The wierd thing about is that so many people have come on this site and disputed it all. It makes me wonder! I’ve heard “oh Romney said McCains immigration was reasonable”, I’ve heard he said “I believe gays should have rights”. I don’t know why people keep lying about is record, but it is dispicable and in harmony with one the great lyers in the primaries” Huckabee” Don’t you think lying and going out of your way to make things up is worse than changing a position on a matter. Romney was allways pro life. He was a Mormon outsider running in Massechusets. He said ” I will respect the law as it is and defend that law”, ofcourse that on was on abortion. I see nothing wrong with this and then changing as bills came to his desk and he realized he did not nead that position anymore, as he knew was not going to run as the Gov. there again. He decided to be for the laws being changed, on the matter. As for guns, he never flip flopped. People have been decieved in techncalities and distortions. He was for a band on extreme assault weapons and people tried to say he was against all guns. Romney himself has said he would not line up with NRA 100 percent. As for the legal immigration thats a distortion. The first bill, before the final one that McCain brought forth, was not the exact same, when he said that. Besides, that’s a spur of the moment comment that dishaonest people can twist. It was not an official position, but rather a vague comment on an earlier bill. The gay thing is the biggest lie of all. He said as a mormon, that he believed gay people deserve many rights. I really believe he meant that and for there own good. No one in this country has fought more against gay marriage than Mitt Romney. NO ONE. NO ONE has tooken the steps he took to get everybody healthcare. This is not a man of lies or talk. I suggest you read new article at the liberal Seattle Times. Romneys healthcare plan is very good and groundbreaking, in the history of this country, despite the lies. Now there are some imperfections in it, but that is what succesors are for. It is going very well and getting better. Unfortuneately, like the war in Iraq, people want instant results and gratification, not realizing that life itself is a war. No one has been more mistreated than this absolutely special and great man. I am absolutely convinced, someday you will see him for what he is. I am sorry for my grammer. Romney is his own man and may I add every politicain changes a position, including Ronald Reagan, who changed more positions than Romneys and supported amnesty. Everyone has flip flopped more than him. McCains flips are huge and clear.

  • Aaron

    Dennis, get on and tell me Romney has no core. Never in my life have I heard any politician talk with such conviction and certainty on the matter. It’s allmost like he knows by prayer, rather than simply being convinced. Most people are phony on the matter. Doing a show and trying to stroke there ego, as well as score politically. Romney speaks with authority on the matter. It is about Gods hand in this nation and our lives. Please check it out.

  • Dennis


    You are wasting your breath and time with me when it comes to Romney ( Mr. Multiple Choice ). Any one who is objective has made the same comments and obsevations that I have regarding this guy. He is a loathsome charlatan when it comes to the world of politics.

  • Aaron

    The people that hate Romney are the bigots and the liberal media. Most of Fox news wanted Romney and now wants him as Veep. So does much of the radio guys. You are dead wrong about Romney! He was the most genuine one in the election. That is clear to any man that can THINK ON HIS OWN AND NOT BE DECIEVED BY THE LIES. The more you hate Romney however, the more exciting this is and will be.

  • Dennis

    I am not a bigot and don’t care about Romney’s religion nor do I care who Fox News wants as President or VP ( however, I suggest you are wrong about Fox News ). Most importantly, neither a cable channel nor the “radio guys” speak for the majority of the american people.

    Keep on dreaming about Romney. He will never be Presdent ( thank goodness ).

  • Aaron

    The point is that many Romney as the polls suggest. Including in most of the key states. If many on Fox News and the radio want Romnet that would create tremendous energy for McCain. Rush, Dennis Miller, Beck, Hannity, Ingrham, Hewitt, Levinn, all want Romney. This is powerfull and would help McCain. Part of my point is, that a man who has been more discriminated against by the so called hatefull Christians, who don’t want the Mormon Church to explode and are being influenced by there leaders, as well as trying to control this election, in these United States Of America, Romney has more opposition than anyone and somehow people still like him so much that they want him. Clearly nobody on Fox wants Smuckabee, other than the great adulterer Dick Morris. Nobody wants Pawlenty, but a few media evangelicals, who when you do the research they all just ironically don’t want Romney. I’m not saying that you are a bigot, but it’s proven generally, that virtually everybody that hates Romney is an evangelical Christian. Major universities have done in depth studies on this, as well as finding them to be dishonest and falling for lies. So I speak in general terms as an American. I don’t think coincedence Iowa recieved the hugest floods in recorded history, as well as all five southern states breaking out with tornadoes the day after Smuckabee won those five states. It’s everything this country is not. We are not in China, we are in America. Frankly, you should be more concerned about this and even handed in your remarks of Romney. No one has been more persecuted than him. And yes he will succeed. I can tell you are going to hate it more than anything, but it does cause me to wonder.